The Formal Meeting

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The Solar Guardians watched their possible ancestor with an intrigued look. They used firearms that were considered primitive. All of them were indeed genuine older versions of the Terran military.

"My name is Captain Raias Seloce, leader of the 5th Recon Team from Prometheus Arcology. Team, introduce yourself." Raias said with his vox-enchanted voice.

"Mal Eisobar, Apotechary Auxilia. Nice to meet you." The helmetless man said with a charming smile, which Raias could quickly tell that smile is intentional.

"Nathaniel Varus, Devastator Specialist. I hope I can become the best acquaintance with all of you." The Solar Guardian beside Raias said, opening his helmet as a tanned man with a bald head came to view.

Beside Mal, a crackling noise could be heard. There, from thin air, manifested a bulky armor of a certain person. The JSDF could guess this newcomer was a woman from its slim hips.

"Greetings! I am Maiya Jacillev, Demolisher Specialist. I hope I can learn many from you, Japanese people.' As Maiya opens her helmet, the crimson hair lets loose into the air. Thanks to her augmentations, her flawless skin and unnatural beauty made all JSDF men and even villagers stare at her in awe.

"Men," Nathaniel remarked with a chuckle.

"Raphael, introduce yourself," Raias said within his vox channel.

"Roger," The reply was short and neutral.

Another crackling noise behind the Japanese made the JSDF turn their face to the source. Another Solar Guardian manifested, yet this one is different. The aura radiated from this man was intimidating, but it was not like predatory intimidation. It was like a man who was always ready for war and vigilant for everything. A perfect soldier. All Solar Guardians were perfect soldiers from the Japanese eyes, but this is different.

"Name Raphael Trax. Sniper Specialist." The answer was neutral like it was bordering emotionless. His helmet opened,

For most of the JSDF look at them with transpired dread and awe at the same time. And one certain brunette girl in the Humvee of the JSDF looks at Raphael with a slight blush.

Raias walked in front of the JSDF man. "You can introduce yourself, honored JSDF."

"P-please. Drop that honorific title. I did not deserve such a thing." Itami waved his hand awkwardly.

"I have to do that. After all, you are my ancestor." Raias waved the question.

"Ancestor?" Itami muttered, seemingly lost in his own thought. The rest of the Japanese also have big question marks on their heads.

"I will answer that later. Your name, soldier." Raias said softly.

"Ah, yes. First lieutenant, Yoji Itami." Itami replied with a smile.

"Glad to meet you, Lieutenant Itami." Raias offered his hand, which Itami take it.

"This is my team, the 3rd Recon Team." With that, the entire team exited their Humvee. They introduced themself to the Solar Guardians.

From beneath his helmet, Raias could see every member of his team taking their liking person. The most obvious would be Mal, who stole some glance at the medic Mari Kurokawa in just milliseconds.

Sighing, he chooses to remain silent. Until Itami approached him.

"I want to ask you something, Captain." He said slowly.

"Ask anyway." The Solar Guardian replied.

"My apologies. But what is the Imperium of Man?" Itami asked.

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