Victoria Aurea

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-M29. 671. Terra. Near The Imperial Palace-

The day of victory, or in High Gothic, Victoria Aurea, is the most celebrated in the Imperium of Mane beside Imperatus Laurus, the day of rebirth.

It was the same day when the Third Galactic War ended and the same day when humanity became the most prominent race in the entire galaxy. Thus, this day must be celebrated with utmost joy and gratefulness.

Despite the glorious celebration, rumors are spreading among the Imperial Citizens. In a particular bar, the talks had taken to a high level.

"Did you hear that the Gate's native came to Imperial Palace a few weeks ago?" A whisper of a woman to her friend.

"I have heard of them. Not many know about them, but I heard Eldar is among this group." Another whisper came, increasing the tense atmosphere that had already been present in the room.

"Eldar." One of them hissed in hate. "I wonder why we did not make their race extinct back then."

"The Emperor has his own wisdom. Besides, the extinction of the Aeldari, I believe, will result in another catastrophic effect." A Ferrous Mind objects the arguement.

"Catastrophic event?" A Man of Stone barks. "Their own existences are catastrophic events themselves!"

"Nevertheless, the Emperor and the High Lords still maintain their existence. For what purpose is unknown." Said a female abhuman, taking a sip of her wine.

"Can all of you stop talking about this matter? Victoria Aurea is our glorious day when the Emperor reveals himself to lead us. We must celebrate it with joy, not animosity toward anything." The owner says in displeasure, sending a female-human-form automaton controlled by the building's Ferrous Mind to send an order.

They comply as the room becomes silent and begin eating their food while the Men of Iron mind their activities. It made the atmosphere cool off, causing the rest of the customers to relax.

"Here is your Groxian Steak, dear customer. Our apologies for you to hear that," the automaton says in an apologetic manner.

"Don't mind it," Raphael answered her question, not showing any emotion to express his answer further.

"If that was the case, please enjoy your food.' With that, she leaves.

Raphael took a bite from his steak. Despite its delightful flavor and countless savors, he could not fully relish his food. To find his amusement, he darted his eyes toward the window. His attention is solely focused on the ground below.

The streets are filled with various classes of Imperial Citizens. They hold their faces upwards, showing their broad smile to the sky of Terra as their eyes stare with hope at the Imperial Palace.

The scar of the Third Galactic War remains in most people within the Imperial Military. Furthermore, the Emperor has instructed that scar must remain in the next generation as a reminder of that darkest time. Thus, even the youngest generations are partially aware of the horror inflicted by that war. It is a grim thought indeed.

Raphael takes another bite and then ponders about his first Victoria Aurea. It was not as much glorious as today. He spent that day inside a facility solely created to contain people like him.

He only watched the entire festival from Holovids. Even though he could not attend directly, it raches his soul deeply.

"Even though generation passes by, the soul of the Imperium will never change," Raphael remarks, amused by the sight.

It was a rare emotion for him. Happiness and genuine sentiments linger in his heart. His status as a blank made him unable to feel human's feelings in their truest sense, yet the Anathematic power still reached his nonexistent soul. It was still a mystery to him how His Majesty's power could reach him, but he had his own theories.

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