The Story of Retribution pt 2

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-M29. 583. Ultramar Regnum. Valigas-

Amidst the colossal earthquake that shook Valigas, Raias pressed forward with determined strides. He grappled with the unforgiving tremors, relying on the gravitation-altering capabilities of his nano-armor just to maintain his footing. It was a cataclysmic conflict that had shattered the once-idyllic Paradise World.

Throughout his centuries-long career as a Solar Guardian, Raias had never confronted a battle of such staggering proportions. His duties had predominantly revolved around security and maintaining stability, steering clear of combat or the horrors of war. Yet here he stood, witnessing a full-blown war unfurling before his very eyes.

Raias had once delved deep into a sprawling data repository, an intricate archive that chronicled the formidable arsenal concealed within the Imperium's armory. While the data within this repository spanned across various branches of the Imperium's military, Raias, blessed with his influential noble lineage, possessed a unique privilege—an access pass to information that remained shrouded from the vast majority.

As he intertwined his Noosphere with the boundless datascape, Raias not only observed but experienced the wealth of data he had unearthed in his earlier pursuit of curiosity—an undertaking that had haunted him for years.

How could he remain unfazed? Before him lay an arsenal of unimaginable power—a weapon capable of channeling the wrath of the Empyrean Sea into the material realm, disintegrating the very fabric of reality. Cannons wielded destructive force so profound they could obliterate the very essence of cosmic data. Dark orbs held dominion over the thoughts and souls of any chosen sentient being. Colossal titans, towering giants, harnessed dominion over both parallel universes themselves.

Despite the remarkable enhancements granted by his transhuman nature, Raias found it impossible to fully grasp the overwhelming might of the Imperium. He pressed on beneath his carefully crafted camouflage, moving with a meticulous blend of caution and precision to remain undetected amidst the chaos.Surveying the tumultuous state of civil war in Ultramar Regnum, Raias understood that his identity as a core family member could either lead to unwelcome consequences or, paradoxically, unleash disaster. Along his journey, he bore witness to the harrowing aftermath of conflict—seas reduced to arid desolation, tempestuous nano-machine storms unleashing torrents of lightning, and realms where the boundary between the Warp and material world blurred, causing space and time to meld into a disorienting miasma.

Raias continued to confront one horror after another as he ventured deeper into this war-ravaged landscape. Just a few kilometers beyond the towering mountain range, he could already make out the towering silhouettes of dozens of titans, their mighty cannons reshaping the landscape like capricious deities remaking the world.

A deafening explosion shattered the last barrier between Raias and the heart of the battlefield, revealing an adamantium dragon of colossal proportions. It dwarfed any humanoid titan in existence. This dragon of adamantium exhaled plasma hotter than stars, accompanied by an array of armaments that emerged from its body, transforming the creature into a relentless harbinger of devastation. Raias recognized it as one of the titan types affiliated with the Legio Silica Anima—a division within the Imperium composed entirely of silicon intelligence and Ferrous Minds.

As the dragon's torrents and barrages pierced through the obscuring veil of ash, a massive explosion of a miniature sun and the subsequent calming of the azure sun revealed the titan's adversary—a colossal humanoid entity, a fusion of metal and flesh.
Before Raias stood a grotesque fusion of technology and forbidden arts—an entity never meant to exist. It bellowed toward the formidable titan, unleashing boundless energy from the Immaterium that pounded the void shield of the dragon titan. Yet, despite the relentless onslaught, the abomination stood unwavering. Dozens of titan-class weapons emerged from the dragon's colossal form, each dwarfing anything Raias had ever encountered.

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