The Diet

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-Japanese Diet Building-

Slowly, the bus and the Guardian's vehicle approached the Diet building; hundreds of reporters and media stormed the street. They heard the news about some representatives from the world beyond the Gate would arrive to present their culture and experience, making the entire world to erupted into various factions.

They debate about this world alongside its potential and consequence. Some wanted that Gate to be closed; others said it would benefit the entire world with its natural resources. Yet, the news about dragons and other mythological creatures that emerge from the Gate causes various communities to hold their own theories.

Furthermore, they heard a whisper about the second Gate manifested in that world. A Gate that invited the second faction in that Special Region.

That curiosity was answered when the representatives arrived at the Diet Building.

From the bus, they could see a certain blue-haired girl that held a staff, and they began to speculate that girl was a mage. Another one is a gothic-styled girl, which only made the entire internet guess who this girl is. And the last one is obviously an elf.

"That's an elf!"

"Look at them. They are beautiful."

The reporters bickered with their interest, taking as many pictures as they could while filming the entire scene with passion.

Not far from the bus, a gigantic floating vehicle arrived. It was something that was impossible to be created in medieval-era civilization. From the video, scientists from across the world began to wonder.

There were no traces of carbon emission or anything related to jet machinery. That vehicle is just floating flawlessly.

Then a ridiculous answer popped into their heads. An answer that was the most logical one yet also the most impossible.

An anti-gravity technology.

As the Special Region's inhabitants slowly descend from the bus, the metal door of that particular vehicle opens.

From it, five giants appeared. They are wearing something akin to skin suits with long sleeve vets. As their eyes lay upon their faces, they are baffled.

They have flawless skin and pearless features. Bearing the most beautiful of any humankind could dream.

The Internet is bombarded with various comments about them.

Models, artists, and even the historical most gorgeous human they compared. However, nothing can come close to these giants.

"Who are they?"

" Look at them; they are unnaturally beautiful!"

"The symbols... Is that Eagle? Are they militarist people?"

"Sci-fi became true!"

Various theories began to emerge, but none can be sure about their origin.


"Even after thousands of years, the press stills exists. I think many of our world's cultures could track their origins here." Maiya remarked, waving her hand. The cameras began to take many of her pictures, capturing her moment in every way possible.

"I'm glad we have similarities. I also found many... Websites, they called. It is filled with various information, both pleasant and unpleasant." Mal added, feeling a wry taste on his tongue. "Call it a guilty pleasure and countless amounts of unspeakable prejudices. It was unthinkable how far our species is from enlightenment."

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