Italica pt 2

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-M29. 671. Falmart. A Certain Tavern-

Pina Co Lada, the third child of Emperor Molt. She is the daughter of a concubine, Countess Neil. Thus, she did not receive a significant reputation among the noble elites.

Yet, she was a daughter of the Emperor made them respect her to a certain degree.

When she heard about the retaliation of two expedition forces, Pina demanded to take the mission to check this case on her own. Despite the fact that she has her father's permission, she lacks the resources to conduct a massive-scale investigation.

"It will cost much of our time. Furthermore, we don't have anything to support us, yet there is no clue about our attackers." Norma said before taking a sip from his mug.

"I've heard that the Alliance Forces survive the battle of Alnus Hills. Yet, from the Zalvus. There was nothing." Grey said bitterly.

"What do you think, Princess?" Hamilton asked the red-haired woman beside her, and the said Princess only stared down at her food.

"Did we discover the surviving member of the Alliance?" Pina asked Norma.

"I can't say for sure, but was it worth visiting, milady?" The blonde knight sighed in slowly.

"If we can make contact with the remaining force, our intel can grow significantly. We can't let this chance pass." the red-haired Princess declared with affirmation.

The knights nodded their heads, obeying their lady's order and commitment. Then, laughter burst from another side of the tavern.

"A giant? Killing a Fire Dragon? Are you mad?!" The man laughs again, completely ignoring his surrounding. The uncontrollable chortles followed by the others, drunk fueling their amusement.

"But that was true! The five giants killed the Fire Dragon effortlessly and asked us to join them. To live with them, live in their country." The waiter said with a proud smile.

"Then why were you here? Why did you not go with them?" The customer asked; alcohol clearly smelled from his mouth.

"I have to decline because I think I was unworthy to receive such a gift. They showed me the entire glory of humanity, their Imperium of Man. It was... Beyond anything I've ever felt, and with that, I was unworthy." The demeanor changed drastically as she lowered her head in shame, smiling wistfully.

"Then it's just bullshit!" He barked, looking at the waiters with a ludicrous look.

"It wasn't bullshit!" A man shouted in anger across the drunk man's table.

"Oi! What do you mean by that?!" The drunk man still persisted.

"If you've never seen them, shut your mouth up!" The man shouted, glaring with unconditional rage, causing the drunk lad to be taken aback.

"Those giants were real. As I also came from Coda Village," He continued. "They tear the Fire Dragon with their light weapon, beams of indescribable power shoved the red scale like paper, rendering the once mighty creature into a bubbling mass of meat. They are hailed from the Imperium of Man. Using their magic, we can feel what kind of Imperium is. A place of wonders, riches, and glories. The Imperium shelters all. That was all I've felt from that giant."

The explanation was delivered with a firm tone and complete seriousness, rendering the atmosphere chilling. From his tone, it was a genuine expression from an honest statement. The room is silent, continuing after a few moments.

"Excuse me, miss and mister." Pina stood up, approaching the people who claimed to have witnessed the giants.

"Yes?" The female waiters said with a smile. "My apologies. You must hear that."

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