Meeting With The Emperor pt 2

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A blast of bright golden light washed the two said people, teleporting them to where the Japanese once stood.

Fear is clearly shown in Pina's eyes. The Emperor's wrath might crush her, destroying her soul into oblivion. This was not only her Empire's fate but the fate of her entire world.

Even with those burdens, Pina could not help but think about her own fate and safety. The titanic presence of the Emperor of Mankind had revealed her biggest fear to the fold.

Bozes were not better. The Emperor's psychic power completely freezes her. This situation is something beyond her mortal understanding, beyond anything she had ever witnessed.

She solely focused her strength to stand as if she did not. Bozes would eventually collapse on her own.

"G-Greeting, O' mighty one." Pina bowed deeply, putting all her honorifics gesture to honor the Emperor.

Bozes follows, bowing to the golden man.

The Emperor stays silent, watching the Saderan with unreadable sentiments. It only brings them anxiety and fear, terror crippling their mental grit.

"I demand your answer, Princess." The voice literally made the room's temperature drop significantly.

The red-haired Princess snapped from her stupor, regaining her sense of reality around her.

"We, Saderan Empire, had lived for over 800 years on Falmart. The Gate... We used to plunder the riches that lie beyond. That is our tradition to ensure our nation stays flourish," Pina gulped, trying to swallow her fear. "Since our founding, there were no records regarding more advanced civilization than us. We did not expect to meet with your mighty nation, Your Majesty."

"A foolish and reckless endeavour, Princess," It is one of the giant golems spoke. In contrast to the Lord Commander, this golem is emotionless, even beyond the inhuman border. "World that unknown to you, a danger that utterly might be horrors beyond your Empire to endure. Foolish even in my trillions possible future that my Calculation Matrix counted, it was foolish to its core. A failed culture to protect their people, relying on their blind superiority and glory."

The unnatural voice brought distress to the Princess. This not only pinpoints the entire flaw within the Saderan's view of their superiority. But it is also a mockery. A direct insult to her tradition and origin.

She would not tolerate such action. But the golem's size alone is more than capable of rendering her bravery into nothingness.

Pina cannot stare back at the Emperor. Her eyes were dilated with fear and mental agony. With all of her culture, she had taken a deep root within her soul and way of life.

Now, it was crumbling beneath the unfathomable behemoth named Imperium of Man.

The golem had put the last nail in the coffin. The might of the Imperials had made it in the first place.

"Princess Pina Co Lada, raise your face," It was the Emperor. His voice is neutral, yet it is regal as it is grandeur.

The Saderan Princess complied, and she stared back at the Emperor. She did not find any burning gaze. It was someone who had lost something. After a few seconds, she recognized the gaze the Emperor was holding.

A father who had lost his daughter. Yet, it was buried deep in his inhuman wisdom as the Master of Mankind.

"Y-Your Highness," Pina said, trembling.

"Your country's culture. Slavery, blind glory, and even discrimination against your kin are our folly." The Statement made the Princess widen her eyes in shock.

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