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-M29. 671. Falmart. Prometheus Arcology-

Colonel Gax is sitting in front of his table, scanning dozens of reports sent to him with a transhuman speed and understanding. He read it with complete knowledge, and he immediately sent back the answer.

He spotted the high line one in his journey within the countless documents.

He read it as it was also publicly available to the entire Prometheus' Noosphere. As he read the whole document, Gax could not hide his smirk of satisfaction.

"Everything will change indeed. I never thought this day would come since the Hell tide." He remarked upon the bitterest memory in his nearly seven hundred years of life.

Imperium changed drastically at that moment as he can remember the devastation and corruption. At that time, the Emperor ordered the most unprecedented order in the Age of Imperium history.

But this one is different from that moment. This will lead them to a change that makes Imperium shine even brighter.

"Attention, all officers are requested to attend the Command center. Attention, all officers are requested to attend the Internal Command."

UR-982's voice rang across the structure. If this was broadcasted across the arcology, it must be the Lord General calling them.

Gax stands from his seat, answering the call. He walked through the hallway with several other officers. The majority of them bear bright countenances.

As they arrive at the Command Center, they see the Lord General with his Honor Guards standing proudly in their artistic armor. A smile manifested on his face, emanating the shining figure of the third-ranked transhuman.

Without further ado, the officers began to line up with their utmost discipline.

"Hear me, the loyal soldiers of the Imperium. It's had been widespread knowledge that the second Gate led us into contact with our ancestors. But yesterday, we managed to forge formal diplomatic ties with them. Therefore, we already present ourselves to them. Now, they will come to our Cradle World to further enforce our friendship. It is our time to guide and show them humanity's true value. Let's show them the truth." The voice beamed with transhuman charisma. Lord Agral's feature became the beacon of spirit for them. His undying vibrance bathed the Solar Guardians.

"Release the cloak. We had enough of hiding!"

Since its construction, Prometheus Arcology had been hiding in a gigantic cloaking mechanism. It was a simple procedure when engaging with feudal civilization. But the circumstance had changed. Now they must reveal themselves as the dominant force in this world.

The might and the dream shall come for those wanting.

Freeing the enslaved and bringing the light to the weak.

Thus, the hiding is over.


Raias is watching the holo monitor in the commander's seat. His eyes stared at the various up-to-date report about the arcology. Then, a simple message came to all the 5th Recon Team's ears.

"For those who are outside the base. We have revealed our concealment to spread our dream of unification. The silent operation is no longer needed. We are the Imperium of Man, shall judge they who are worth this world. Ave Imperator." The message said proudly.

The 5th Recon Team slowly placed their hands on their chests. Solemnly they said.

"Ave Imperator,"

"Well, I think we must inform our JSDF friends." As the one who first emerged from his salutation, Mal smirked at his Captain.

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