Lelei in Prospero pt 1

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-M29 671. Imperial Palace. Terra-

It has been a day since they arrived in the Imperium. Lelei could not fathom the scale of luxury within this said nation. The food, the knowledge, the wonders. No words can describe how grandeur they are.

Now, she had breakfast with all of her friends. To be said, when she experienced the food yesterday, it molded perfectly on her tongue.

She never had enough of these foods, so she chewed them carefully for a better taste. Countless flavors filled her mouth, filling her appetite.

"It's wonderful. From the outside, it's just like a slice of ordinary meat. But when you ate it." Lelei takes a bite. "But I can't count how rich the tastes are."

Itami nodded, swallowing his ramen. "This is the best ramen in my life."

"I can't say more, sir!" Kuribayashi exclaimed. Even though her food was not ramen, but something resembling a Katsudon.

The Falmartian noble cannot say more as their eyes are locked on their food. They were baffled by the rich flavor, faces flustered.

"I... I can't say a word," Pina mumbled, taking another bite of the steak.

Bozes nodded in confirmation. She tried her best to suppress her saliva from falling from her mouth. The fragrance is beyond tempting, exceeding her experiences with various nourishments.

"Ah, Lelei. According to the schedule, you won't accompany us, right?" Rory asked the blue-haired mage.

"Yes," She nodded. "I will go to Prospero."

"Prospero?" Tuka inquires with interest.

"From my readings, it is a planet of Forzare System of Segmentum Ultima," She answered plainly.

"Hmmm... I wonder why they choose to place you there," The Apostle said, holding her chin.

"They apparently listed me in scholarship. So easy to guess this planet is a worldwide academy. It piqued me, so I searched for any information about it." Lelei wept her mouth using a handkerchief on the table.

"Did you find anything?"

"I did," Lelei's smile widened, which was unusual for someone like her.

"Care to share with us?" Itami said, answering her smile with his own.

"Of course," Lelei nodded. "From the documents in Lord Agral's possession. I came up with the information that Prospero is a planet that became the pinnacle of the Imperium's warp science innovation. It also served as the paragon of knowledge."

"Paragon of knowledge in the vast place like the Imperium. I'd like to know what it would look like." Itami said warmly.

"So do I, Itami." Lelei smiled enthusiastically.

Then, the sound of a ringing bell sweeps the room.

"It is the time, honored guests. I hope you are ready for the journey." Alexander's voice rang in their minds.

"I guess it will be our separation," Itami said to the group.

"Not for long," Kurata retorted.

The rest of the group could not say as enthusiastic as the Japanese or the mage. They had glomed expressions plastered on their faces. Before they can say more, they are engulfed in the light of teleportation.

Lelei instantly arrived at the open space. Before Lelei is a gigantic plane made up of master-crafted ornaments. A twin-headed golden Aquila opens its wings wide to reveal their glories.

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