Warhammer Cosmology pt1: The Materium, The Veil, The Skein.

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Okay then.

I made this page in order to explain some of the unknown terms in my story, like the Skein and the Veil, as well as the layers of the Warp. For the sake of a smooth narration, I will explain the Warhammer's entire cosmology. So bear with me.

Also, it will explain a lot of haxes that will make an appearance in the future. Thus, I want to avoid claims such.

"It was too strong." "It was a wank."

Or something like that.

Now, let us begin. And credit to the account that collects these entire feats and proofs.

First off, we will start with the Materium(Material universe.)


-Materium itself was described as 4-dimensional space-

"Falling down a light-filled tunnel. Rushing motion, sickening vertigo. The sense of being drawn out to a chain a molecule thick. Connection was always difficult, but this... This felt like it was stretching him past breaking point. Then, like taut elastic, he snapped back. Vertigo again. Motion blur, quickly followed by nausea. He fought it, knowing it wasn't real. Inner ear balance that wasn't his. A centre of gravity altered. Someone else's body. New sensations. All unpleasant. Adjust, damn it. Get a grip. The nausea diminished, the sense of dislocation passed. Light and three-dimensional space unfolded. Dimensions had meaning again. The vectors of X, Y and Z restored." - Forges of Mars Omnibus

-It was indeed spatial dimension-

"He was pretty sure that the cliff itself was the problem. Andrioch was the next step in the trek, but they had arrived there too late. The mechnivore, or whatever other rogue behemoth had preyed on the place, had consumed more than just the physical city and the planetary crust beneath. It had eaten data. Not simply the digital data stored in Andrioch's analytic engines, but the raw data of space-time itself." - The Burden of loyality

-But the structure of that 4D was actually just a membrane of infinitely larger dimension-

"The Central conceit is that our visible, four-dimensional universe is restricted to a Brane, that is, a Membrane, inside a higher dimensional space", He begins and I already feel any hope of comprehension fall away "A theoretically infinite number of dimensions of potentially infinite scale occupy other branes, which, in effect, means there can be an endless series of Alternate Realities" - Knights of the Imperium.

-There are several mentions that Materium consists of countless higher dimension-

"Here?' cried Semyon, throwing his arms wide and spinning around like a lunatic. 'You have such a limited understanding of the material world, girl. Words like here and there have no meaning. The myriad dimensions of this material universe cannot be defined by so limited a thing as human language!" - Mechanicum

"The warrior in orange and black armor shouted. The automaton stepped forwards, piston driven limbs shaking the deck. The cannon on its shoulder swiveled. The prisoner could feel the dark energy dancing in the weapon. It knew its shape and taste, old and familiar from wars that had scarred the stars when they were young. The gun weapon drew breath to fire. The prisoner's senses traced the distances between every point in the room and sliced time down until only the decay of atoms marked its passing. The short distance from it to the automaton's gun, from the automaton to its masters, from those masters to the door. Every measured value became like crystal, every facet and plane extending through countless dimensions." -Ahriman: Key to Infinity.

-Many disagree with these feats. But hear me out. The fourth dimension is actually the membrane. And this is how the much higher dimension intersects with their higher counterpart-

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