Anathema pt3

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-M29. 671. Terra. Imperial Palace. Inner garden-

The inner garden of the Imperial Palace is one of the most luxurious places in the entire Sol System, filled with countless flora and fauna from the Old Earth. Psychic and material engineering made the beauty of this place paramount. Golden crustal walls and warm shimmering light move fluently from above, acting as the miniature sun in the garden. It was one of the Emperor of Mankind's private places, serving as a serene place for escaping from countless tasks of the Lord of Imperium.

But now was different because she had a guest to be pleased. The demi-goddess from Falmartian. Currently, she sits before him with a ceramic cup in her hand.

"This was pleasant, Milord," Rory says to the Emperor, smiling slightly.

"I'm glad to hear that, Rory Mercury." He smiles at her, causing the Apostle to withdraw her gaze.

The situation became silent as some tense atmosphere reigned supreme around them. No one opens a conversation, but the Emperor maintains his calm demeanor.

"The Imperial Truth," Rory began. "That truth is really our ultimate fate?"

The Emperor of Mankind did not answer presently. He stares at the Apostle for a moment. The wise man holds his own chin, studying Rory's countenance.

"That's what our ultimate fate is according to my design. Humanity's evolution into a psychic race was inevitable. Thus, I provide them with the most suitable way and infrastructure to achieve that." He answers, eyes never leaving the Apostle.

"Speaking of our ascension. Beings that what we will become. What is your next move when we achieve that height?" She stares back at the Emperor, wanting an answer.

"I will hold that plan for myself. But if ascension has come at hand. Humanity would become unchallengeable. Those abominations shall know what the true meaning of fear is." His words were not claimed or boasted but the ideal truth in its truest form.

Rory had witnessed that so-called ideal truth. When her eyes saw that, it made the entire world she known to crumble. The dogma that had taken a deep root in her life started to fade away. Also, her vision of her ascension as a goddess changes rapidly.

Rory's will to create her own worship and a dream to grant the mortal desire had turned futile. The truth and destiny offered by the Emperor are not only tantalizing but also the most pragmatic. The unchangeable truth acts as the opposite of the Primordial Truth.

"Your Majesty," Rory says slowly, face slowly descending to the floor.

"Speak freely, young miss."

Rory did not mind how the Emperor addressed her. The Emperor was far older than her and much wiser than any gods she had encountered. This man earned respect more than anything in her life. More so, he is the one who owns the Truth.

"What must I do now? I have nothing left because of your initial revelation." Even though she hides it, Rory's hands are trembling. "My entire foundation of life has been destroyed."

The Perpetual took a sip from his cup, turning his head to the garden. His eyes are deep and calculating as if trying to search for an answer.

As long as Rory watched the Emperor, she only found herself in contradiction. His demeanor, aura, and charisma constantly change to suit his agenda. This man had many faces and characters to hide the truth of his figure. But there is one thing that has not changed from him, namely perfection. She can argue that he has a flaw, but it might be that flaw was also intentional to ensure his plan came to fruition.

"I offer you two options, Rory Mercury." The Emperor returned his gaze toward the Apostle, plastering a neutral expression.

"What those would be, Milord?" Rory raises her head, face full of hope.

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