The Value of Humanity

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-M29. 671. Terra. Imperial Palace-

Two weeks of term that had been scheduled slowly arrived at its end. But thanks to their schedule, the Japanese and Falmartian could fulfill their desire and thirst for curiosity.

The Imperium of Man is a place full of wonder; with those two weeks, their time is well-spent. Thus, the exclusive luxury in the Imperial Palace has come to their hands.

The Japanese had witnessed the future with their own eyes, with countless miracles. They could not predict the numbers how many advancements their future could create as if humanity had come closer to godhood. Anything modern humanity's wildest dreams are in Imperium possession. Furthermore, when they heard about the Third Galactic War, they could not comprehend how humanity survived it.

Despite its size as a galactic civilization, Imperium's technological prowess proves otherwise. The technological marvel and the effects of the galactic war wounded reality as well as space and time. Those feats gave them power that infinitely exceeded their size.

The Falmartian, save for Lelei and Rory, spent the rest of their time wandering in the Sigillate's museum with Malcador himself as their companion. It was neither a delightful nor pleasant tour. They are burdened with a great responsibility for their respective race and country.

In Lelei's case, it was entirely different. She had the most insightful journey in her life. She had spent her entire time attending class or reading as many books as she could in the Librarium. Her magical prowess skyrocketed as she could perform seemingly impossible spells. Even though she was given nearly two weeks to study, thanks to Prospero's mastery over the Immaterium, they can alter the flow of time, so Lelei has studied for more than two months. Much to her happiness, the couple that becomes her mentor adores her to the extent she is part of their family.

Rory herself could not find the right words to describe her experience. Since their first meeting, Rory has been called by the Emperor to have a talk together. In each session, her faith dwindles even faster. The Master of Mankind has proven to her and showed her the ideal truth that no one other than him can see. The Emperor is the answer to all as well as the key of guidance to ascension. Speaking of the ascension, the Emperor has shared her with his dream. It was beautiful to every extent she could be able to imagine.

Now, their time is nigh, and they must return and regroup. They are disappointed to leave as the breathtaking sight of Terra and its luxuries has taken a deep root in their souls. But duty needs to be done.


The Imperial Palace is crowded with millions upon millions of Imperial Citizens as much more is waiting beyond the Eternity Wall. Whether organic or silicon, they celebrate with cheers and other enjoyment they can acquire.

It was their grandeur day of victory. The day when they defeated the Aeldari Dominion and gained their right as the apex species of the galaxy. Since the dawn of age, humanity has changed with countless reforging. They emerged with greater height and power, reaching the zenith previously thought impossible.

At the rebirth of the Federation by the Emperor's own hands, human society undergoes a drastic technological and social revolution. Many ancient cultures were revived, while many high architecture buildings were rebuilt. Yet all forms of religion must be disbanded either peacefully or with force.

In the technological sectors, humanity's mastery over the material universe and the Warp leaped incredibly. When the first revelation of the Golden Order, they arrive with blessings and innumerable instruments of destruction. Thus, becoming the key to Aledari's downfall. When the war was over, humanity plundered countless Aeldari artifacts, thus boosting the advancement even further.

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