A Visit

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-M29 671. Falmart. Unnamed plain-

The 5th Recon Team is in their cloak mode, walking through the rocky plain without detection. After a few scans, this plain is home to various beasts and small dragons. Though it was suicide for any human to pass this land without any preparation or a small number of troops, it was not the case for Solar Guardian.

Moreover, they are enveloped by their invisibility technology; no one can touch them. Even if they were the Japanese, their technologies would be on the level of cavemen compared to the Imperium's might of science and understanding.

They walked through the plains like ghosts clad in the flesh, seeking their destination.

With their Warp detectors, the person within the team could detect their teammates with ease.

"We arrive at our first pinpoint to mark," Raias said, stopping his walk. "Prepare perimeter as I will perform the marking."

"Yes, sir!" They answered at the same time. As Raias de-cloaking, his team began to move in various directions, the Captain kneeling to start the marking of the Immaterium.

In his Hud, a red screen appeared as various notifications popped in significant numbers. His nerve began to burn, and electrics ran through his flesh and bone.

"Captain, I will perform the calculation. Just bear it until I finish." UR-982 said.

"Do what must you do, 82," Raias growled in pain and distress.

A white ray emerges from his armor, and the soul becomes transparent in his body. Raias could feel the unrelenting waves of the Immaterium. He had expected it, but some elements still intrigued him.

It was calm and serene. Beneath that serenity lies unpredictable tides of power and psychic conduits.

"The calculation will finish in ten seconds." As the Ferrous Mind started calculating the time, Raias focused his perception on peering into a certain section in the Warp. Raias could see a particular woman watching the entire Falmart. No, an Empyrean entity is watching the whole world with its eyes.

For a slight moment, the Captain could swear that woman noticed his presence. The eyes stared deep into the Solar Guardian's soul.

"You think I could not see you, mortal?" It said with a feminine voice.

"Three, two, one. Calculation complete." UR-982 announced, severing Raias connection to the Warp.

His Nano Suit is on the very edge of overheating, letting out the steam of heat. The cooling mechanism began to take control, reducing the effect as the system started to estimate the damage control.

As the green light replaced the red one, Raias could breathe in relief. Yet, the Empyrean presence is lingering in his mind.

"82. I want to ask you something. Make it private." Raias said, drawing a deep breath into his lungs.

"Ask anyway." The Man of Iron replied neutrally.

"Did the Imperium know further about the Empyrean entity that opened that Gate?" Raias and other Solar Guardians have received the report that the culprit behind the Gate appearance is, in fact, an Empyrean entity residing in this world. Further implication still needs to be presented.

"Besides its nature, we still did not know more, Captain." The A.I answered.

"Explain." The man commanded, narrowing his eyes.

"It seems capable of harvesting souls and using the Warp portal. We also know it serves as a deity figure on this planet. That was the only information the higher-up provided me." As it spoke, it sent documents to provide its statement to Raias. Opening them and reading the data with his transhuman speed.

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