Saderan Affairs pt 2

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-M29. 671. Falmart. Saderan Senator Room-

Pina couldn't fathom how Zorzal managed to capture their attention with such foolish arguments. She needed to act quickly to minimize any potential impact.

"Are you sure your choice is the best one, brother? You haven't experienced the true danger and power of the Imperium or Japan. You haven't even been to the Imperium of Man or Japan. How can you draw such conclusions?" Pina asked firmly. Her words were grounded in common sense, causing everyone present, including Raias, to fall silent for a moment.

"If they are so powerful, why haven't they attacked or subjugated us? It's the destiny of a great nation to conquer weaker ones," Zorzal scoffed, looking at Pina with a condescending gaze.

"That's because of their policies, brother. Japan itself is a peaceful nation, so aggression or conquest is anathema to them. As for the Imperium," Pina paused for a moment, searching for the right words. "The Imperium of Man has a policy of not using their military might to subjugate a primitive planet. To them, it's dishonorable, and such an act would forever be remembered as a tragedy."

Reactions to Pina's words varied. Those who believed every word Pina spoke would acknowledge that Sadera's civilization was insignificant compared to the Empire. But those who were skeptical felt their pride being pricked impolitely.

However, Zorzal burst into laughter. "Primitive?! They are truly foolish to consider us a primitive nation, showing just how backward and ignorant they are. We have everything a civilization needs. Poetry, magnificent buildings, disciplined armies. We have it all!"

Pina tried to hold back the sigh of exhaustion that threatened to escape her lips. The red-haired princess gazed at all the senators and observed their diverse expressions.

They displayed some of the expressions Pina hoped for, but not all reacted as she wished. As the war between Sadera and the Imperium continued, Sadera's future appeared bleak. Regardless of the Imperium's policy toward primitive planets, they would not hesitate to eliminate anyone who dared insult their nation, especially an insult to their Emperor.

"What kind of foolish emperor would boldly claim that any country other than his own is primitive?"

And there it was, the last straw that nearly made Pina faint if not for the psychic strength bolstered by Lord Malcador. The princess quickly snapped out of her shock, walking toward Zorzal with a gaze filled with anger.

"Brother, do you even know what you just said?" Pina spoke with a tone that left the veterans in the room frozen. But it seemed Zorzal remained unaffected.

"What? That the Emperor of the Imperium is a fool?" Zorzal repeated his statement, this time with a mocking and condescending tone evident in his speech.

Pina was genuinely torn between fear and rage. Both emotions were now raging inside her head. She knew the true nature of the Emperor of Mankind. A figure that can only be described as a god, a man who even the Imperial Citizens in the Imperium did not deny that the Emperor of Mankind is something they had as a god in human form. The Emperor of Mankind was a god-like figure who tried to convince those around him that he was an ordinary man.

Now she saw her brother foolishly insulting a figure as mighty as the Emperor and demeaning the name of the Imperium as if it were nothing. Pina truly wanted to slap her brother.

Before Pina's mental restraint could break, thunderous laughter echoed throughout the room. It was Raias's laughter. Unlike his usual laughter, this one carried a sense of amusement that made Pina raise her eyebrows.

"Prince Zorzal," Raias spoke with a deep tone, his transhuman aura adding an intimidating aspect to his presence. "I truly pity the Saderan Empire for having a crown prince like you."

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