Italica pt 3

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-M29. 671. Italica. Falmart.-

As the entire 3rd and 5th Recon Teams had acquired permission to enter from the Third Princess, they immediately took their way to the mansion. Raias could feel the whole meeting had happened inside his mind. Furthermore, he had predicted the worst-case scenario.

"82, can you give me the appropriate law for interacting with the pre-feudal world in this kind of situation?" Raias asked the Ferrous Mind.

"Of course." Instantly, a slide of words appears in his HUD.

Reading it, Raias frowned. "Even though they are human, superiority must be shown, huh."

The law itself banned all kinds of direct hostility and aggression against the native, as it would spark a full-blown conflict that would be failed to bring the entire feudal society to its destruction. Full compliance would be successful, but the Imperium's dream of unification would be only marked by tragedy. On the other side of the coin, the Imperium must show their power, showing grace and safe heaven. With that, an enlightened society could be marked as glorious unification.

"I think I know what I'm going to say to that airhead Princess," Raias remarked.

"Airhead would be a strong word, Captain." The Men of Iron told the Solar Guardian.

"Maybe. But the point that she willingly throws anything to make a negotiation safer using her status as a Princess is an act worthy of praise. That still reckless." Raias pointed. The Princess is indeed a strong-willed woman. The moment she opens the door frantically, wanting to deal with the entire convoy, is indeed admirable. But she came defenseless, reckless.

The door to the hall opens. A pair of wooden thrones is located at the end of the room, and Myui sits on one of them. A wide wooden table occupied the center as the maids slowly prepared the drinks. Something, in particular, piqued Raias' curiosity.

All of them were abhumans.

Raias have read the report about Colt Formal's attitude toward the abhumans. He wanted to erase any racism toward them, proven by the sheer amount of abhuman maids before the Solar Guardian.

"Worry not, Falmartian abhumans. Imperium will come for all of you." Raias muttered. Even though it was full of conviction, it was directed at himself.

"Now, I think we can begin our talk," Pina said, scanning the guests sternly.

"Of course, Princess," Raias replied neutrally.

"First among all. Please explain your intention here, Captain Raias." The Princess said, slightly darting her eyes to the young Countess.

"It would be better if I spoke directly with the Countess." He proclaimed.

"What do you want to talk with me, Lord..." Myui slowly stopped her mouth talking, slightly confused.

"Raias Seloce, milady," Raias said fluently.

"Lord Raias Seloce, is there anything you want to tell me?" Myui replied. But when she tries to gaze at the giant's helmet, it only gives her chills.

"I hailed from the Imperium of Man. We came from the Zalvus Hills." With that proclamation, the entire room is frozen in shock; even Itami is shocked by the bluntness. Widen their eyes with caution. Before they reply, Raias continue.

"I have one duty here, to conduct a recon mission on Italica by order of the Lord General Sol. The last but not least, to inform the current head of Formal House about the former head is still alive in our care." It was a huge blow of truth to the entire room occupant. Myui herself staggered, trembling uncontrollably.

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