Poking The Sleeping Behemoth.

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-M29. 671. Special Region. Zalvus Hills-

The Imperial reinforcement, waiting in the hills, started to feel uneasiness on their skin. Their vanguard did not return, leaving them without any message or report.

General Alius, a leading member of the Saderan army, was stationed near the Gate to protect their invasion army from behind and eventually give them aid when the time came.

But, as time only continues to spin. Alius began to tense. Various unpleasant thoughts clouded his mind.

Waiting on his horse, the General only pondered while ready to unleash his armies.

His clouding mind was shattered by the sound of hooves approaching him. Directing his eyes, Alius could see a confident man. But it was unsettling as the face of that said man was terrified beyond words, pale like a corpse.

"What is wrong, soldier?" Alius asked.

The soldier was beyond terrified. His eyes dilated with turmoil, his armor tattered by dust as the horse bathed in blood and burning scars. The Saderan legions consisted of the best the Empire could offer. Young men from the skilled foot soldiers, hardened by battle and years of experience. Thus, they earned their place in the expedition force.

But, the reality before the General is dramatically different. The soldier looks like a child who has witnessed a ghost. No, it would be an understatement. This fear that radiated from the soldier was like he had seen the true terror.

"TT..." He shuddered violently, unable to talk as he breathed uncontrollably.

"Breath, soldier. Breath!" The General commands him, and the soldier complies.

"The expeditionary forces. T-They have been exterminated!" He shouted in terror.

The claim shocked the General and anyone who was near him. Murmurs began to grow among the reinforcements, doubting the claim and even accusing the soldier as a fool.

But the General did not buy it. Instead, he stared deeply into the man with intense eyes.

"What do you mean by that, soldier?" He asked coldly.

The soldier only fell silent for a moment, thinking of the appropriate words to choose. Gulping, the soldier answered.

"The Gate. When we arrived at the place beyond it, we saw a price beyond measure. A-A world with beauty beyond comparison. Cities that float on heaven and metallic buildings that reach the sky." He said in awe.

"HA! Kid, you must be drunk or hallucinated! There is no such thing in the barbarian world. We Sadera is the center of civilization. You need a slave to warm your bed!" One of the officers barked, followed by others who laughed at his claim.

"Then, what happened to the rest of your legion, soldier?" The General demanded.

At this question, the soldier only shakes in fear, grabbing his head as he remembers something beyond terrible.

"There was the culling begin." He speaks quietly. "The giant. The guardian of that paradise came to us—massive metal golems that shoot rays of death. They rain us in green flame, burning our essence. They ripped our flesh and bones, destroying our bodies like a blur. I... I, my gods."

"You speak nonsense, soldier. You dare to underestimate the Imperial army?!" This one is the General's shout. This soldier's behavior infuriated him beyond anything he had ever felt.

"Of course not, General. I would never underestimate the Imperial army. They are just like my second family. But this? My apologies, General. This is something beyond our mortal realm." The soldier was adamant, despite fear consuming him, closing his eyes to accept whatever came to him.

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