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-M2. Earth. Japan. A few hours after the diet meeting-

Pina could not help herself from trembling from the sheer revelation before her. There, she watched the Diet meeting with a small box named TV by the Japanese.

After she had checked the Imperial prisoner held by the Japanese, she heard that the giants would tell their stories. She requests to watch the meeting.

After a small discussion, the Japanese representative agreed.

They watched alongside the Japanese, acting as their translators. First, they watched the Falmartian presenting themselves. It did not surprise them as elves and demi-gods were common knowledge in the Empire.

Then as it came to the giants, Pina could not believe her sight and hearing.

Those are beings who lived for one thousand years. Beings capable of trading blows with the Apostle, killing thousands like insects.

And yet, they claimed to be the lowest rank in their hierarchy. Trillions of them are present in the Imperium of Man.

Pina began to cry as the overwhelming knowledge flooded her mind. She began to tremble as her feet began to lose their power.

"Your Highness!" Bozes called frantically, holding her liege's body.

"Your Highness, is there something wrong?" Kuribayashi asked in concern.

"I... I... Empire will die." She muttered, desperately grabbing her own head. Her beautiful hair is now a mess as tears of fear keep flowing from her eyes.

"Why does she mean by that?" The brunette JSDF asked the knight in a whisper.

"It's because..." Bozes glanced slightly at the crying Princess. "The Imperium never intended to make peace with us. They clearly proclaim to conquer the entire Falmart."

"That was a very unfortunate proclamation indeed," said Reiko Shirayuri, a Japanese diplomat. It was a sour situation as the Imperium is the most advanced civilization currently present; the Japanese could not do much as it would ruin their relationship with the Imperium. Thus it will ruin any future collaboration.

A nation with seemingly infinite power willingly to help them is a chance that could not be spared.

"Yes, it is," Bozes slowly said.

Because of the Princess worrying state, Reiko decided to pat her shoulder. "Your Highness. I'm sure there will be an answer to your problem. But please, you need to stay strong."

Hearing the words of comfort, Pina slowly stopped her sobbing. The regal Princess slowly raised to her feet, smiling as if nothing had happened.

"You're correct, diplomat Reiko. I must stay strong for my country. Thank you." Pina stared at the older woman with gratitude.

"It's a pleasure, Your Highness," Reiko gently answered.

Puna stared once again at the TV. She slowly began to feel the dread once again. A sensation that nearly broke her mind when she realized it.

"What if... Colt Formal's words were true." Pina muttered, not wanting anyone to hear it.


The Imperial and the Falmartian began making their way out of the Diet building. When they stepped out, they were greeted with flashes of cameras.

"Being a celebrity is something that I did not expect," Mal remarked, sighing in exasperation.

"Like they won't see any transhumans soon, though," Nathaniel answered, smiling empathetically.

"Well, Lieutenant Itami. Where are we going next?" Raias asked the JSDF.

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