CODEX: Solar Guardian Auxilia

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"We are the bastion as we are the legion. We are His tools to protect mankind and the Imperium. However, we are much more than that. We serve as the next step in humanity's evolution as warfare was one of our forms to nurture mankind to its ascension." - Colonel Dentrix, M29.053.

The Solar Guardian Auxilia stands as the largest armed fighting force in the galaxy, meticulously crafted to serve as humanity's first and last line of defense. Sprawling bastions dot the stars, forming layers of impenetrable defense seemingly impervious to breach.

In contrast to the Edertus Imperialis, tasked with guarding individual planets, the Solar Guardian Auxilia is drawn from the elite of each world, entrusted with safeguarding entire sectors. Integrated with the Armada Imperialis, they wield formidable power across vast expanses of space.

Within the Solar Guardian Auxilia, ranks are imbued with unique titles varying by sector:

- Solar Auxilia Strategic Command Ranks -

The strategic command holds the utmost importance within the Solar Guardian Auxilia, bearing responsibility for all tactical and strategic objectives. To fulfill their demanding duties, those in strategic command undergo extensive augmentation of their genetic systems and WAR-CASTER interfaces.

These augmentations involve comprehensive molecular enhancement and rewriting, elevating the subject's DNA to levels nearing the purity of the Magistratus. As a result, their biological and biomechanical bodies are evolved to conform to the highest standards, creating a new breed of highly intelligent Solar Guardians capable of serving as the second brain of the Ferrous Mind.

The genetic rewriting is coupled with psychic anchoring to the Solar Guardian's soul, facilitating enhanced connectivity with the true essence of the Ferrous Mind. This synergy enables them to form a seamless bond with the vast network of Ferrous Minds, granting unparalleled insight and strategic prowess in guiding the Solar Guardian Auxilia to victory.

1) Lord Commander Militant

The role of Lord Commander Militant stands as the pinnacle of strategic leadership within the Solar Guardian Auxilia. Those who bear this esteemed title undergo extensive enhancements and augmentations, enabling them to maintain a constant connection to every Ferrous Mind within their sector through the Neuralsphere.

The Neuralsphere serves as the deepest layer of connection cloud utilized by the Imperium, drawing upon humanity's mastery over the Warp. Through this remarkable connection, the Lord Commander Militant gains unparalleled insight, but it comes at a significant cost. Each Lord Commander Militant is permanently entombed within massive mechanical chambers known as Aeternus Somnus. Within these chambers, the transhuman is able to access countless streams of the Noosphere and delve even deeper into the Neuralsphere.

With this extraordinary connection, the Lord Commander Militant gains access to quadrillions of data points spanning the entire sector. From this vantage point, they command countless battles, orchestrating strategies and deployments with unparalleled precision across their jurisdiction.

2) Lord Admiral

Lord Admirals hold supreme command over the entire battlefleet within their respective sectors. With a fleet comprising at least one thousand vessels, ranging from nimble one-kilometer corvettes to colossal Juggernauts spanning hundreds of kilometers, they possess formidable firepower and unparalleled strategic reach.

Harnessing the vast resources and firepower of the Armada Imperialis, any Lord Admiral wields the capability to bring about devastating consequences, potentially leading to the destruction of multiple solar systems. Their primary duty encompasses ensuring the Imperium's unchallenged dominance over the sector's vast expanse of space.

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