The Story of Retribution pt 4

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-M29.583. Ultramar Regnum. Sword of Ultramar-

Raias fixed his gaze upon the shifting battlefield, which now seemed to favor the Ultramar Auxilia. In his heart, a glimmer of relief flickered. He knew that if victory continued to smile upon them, there was hope for his father's survival. Yet, the relentless question of why his brother had turned traitor lingered in his thoughts. There was no logical explanation for Stelan's betrayal. Staunchly devoted to the Imperial Truth, Stelan should have been a shield against the corruption of the Primordial Annihilators. But reality had unfolded in the most unexpected way, leaving Raias perplexed about the challenges his younger sister must be facing.

"Gratina," Raias uttered softly.

"Lord Raias," Thalia, the Ferrous Mind of the Sword of Ultramar, reached out through their psychic connection.

"Ah, Thalia. I apologize for not addressing you since my arrival," Raias replied, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips.

"Is something troubling you, my lord?"

"Just a gnawing worry," Raias confessed, pausing to contemplate. "It's a persistent worry, nothing more."

Thalia, with her unique insight into Raias's inner world, picked up on the undercurrent of unease in her master. Sensing his emotional turmoil, she employed her psychic abilities to provide a comforting presence.

"Have faith that your father will return," Thalia reassured him patiently, employing auditory and psychic touch stimulation to bring solace to her master.

Raias hid his concerns deep within, though they continued to simmer beneath the surface. He couldn't help but ponder the multitude of possible outcomes unfolding on the distant planet. The casualty reports from this disaster weighed heavily on his mind, a somber reminder of the price paid. The loss of hundreds of billions of lives, the destruction of entire systems, and the obliteration of valuable resources were stark realities. Barren worlds could be recolonized, shattered star systems could be rebuilt, but the souls lost in this tragic encounter would forever be ensnared by the Primordial Annihilators, condemned to an eternity of suffering. It was a sacred right for every human to merge with the Anathematic energy of the Master of Mankind, evolving into a guiding light for future generations. Yet, this right had been cruelly snatched away from the loyal citizens who had devoted themselves to the Imperial cause.

Raias remained locked onto the holovid, his transhuman mind digesting a relentless barrage of data, dissecting names, recounting events, and absorbing the raw accounts of the battlefield.

"I demand answers," Raias declared with an acerbic edge to his tone. "I need answers from Stelan."

The Ferrous Mind paused, acutely aware of the surging anger and emotions emanating from her master. She made a renewed effort to soothe Raias, but this time, the tempest of his emotions outstripped anything Thalia had ever encountered. For a brief moment, she glimpsed a flicker of golden light deep within Raias' soul, a sensation that felt oddly familiar, gradually seeping into her own consciousness.

"By the Emperor," Thalia whispered in amazement, captivated by the revelation.
But before she could fully grasp the import of this golden glint, Thalia sensed a powerful shockwave rippling through the entire vessel and the Ether. The shockwave jolted her original form, momentarily paralyzing her with its enigmatic force.

"Prepare for impact!" Thalia's telepathic voice echoed through the minds of the ship's crew.
Raias snapped out of the haunting thoughts that had consumed him. He immediately sent a mental command to his nanite armor, which swiftly enveloped his body. As his armor clicked into place in an instant, he drew the Sword of Agator from its sheath, ready for whatever might come their way.

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