The Begining

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Author's Note: Hello and welcome this book. I will say that there are descriptions of a fight and violence if that triggers anyone. I will mark where they start and end.

Denki was running, the only problem is that he didn't know where he was running to. He just knew that he had to get away from whoever was chasing him. He stayed on the side roads and alleyways hoping that he could lose them someplace.

He turned a corner sharply and lost his footing for a second. The little misstep allowed time for his pursuer to catch up a little bit. Denki regained his footing and quickly took off. He turned down an alleyway and was met with a dead end.

He cursed to himself and tried to turn around. Before he could there was a thud behind him. "Well, well, well, where do you think you're going, keraunós? I don't think your parents would be very happy to hear about this." A man in all black said.

"Yea, well I don't care. In fact, tell them to screw off," Kaminari said, not turning back. "I don't think I can do that, but you could if you come back," the man said in a sweetly sick voice.

"I know you can, Kenzo," Denki said. "I guess I could, but do I want to?" Kenzo said in a sweet voice before he suddenly turned serious. "I'm giving you three options. You come back with peace, you try to fight and go back unconscious, or I drag your dead boy back," he said with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Trigger Warning Start

"How about, none of the above," Denki said with a smirk, before twisting and charging. Kenji wasn't expecting it, but he got his arms up in time. Denki slashed at him with a knife, but he dodged to the side and counteracted with a side kick.

Denki dodged and went in for another slash on Kenji's side. Kenji wasn't able to get out of the way in time, so the knife grazed his side. Kenji stepped back, groaned, and put a hand to his side. Denki didn't give him any time to recover.

Denki tried placing a punch on his stomach. Kenji pivoted on his foot and kicked Denki in the side. Denki stumbled back a few steps having the wind knocked out of him for a few seconds.

Kenji went back in with a knife to stab at Denkis chest. Metal hit metal as the knives were used for attacking and defending. Both Denki and Kenji were landing hits every once in a while, but not enough to kill the other.

Denki used his knife to try and disarm Kenji. There was a shing, and Kenji no longer had a knife in his hand. While Kenji was unprotected, Denki went in and stabbed him in the chest by his heart.

Kenji groaned as Denki stabbed the knife into his chest. Denki slowly pulled the knife out and watched and Kenji fell to the ground. Denki walked over, rolled Kenji over, and stabbed him in the heart.

Denki watched as the light left his eyes. No matter how much Denki hates killing people this one had to be done. Denki couldn't have anyone knowing where he was going. Denki found a bed cloth in one of the dumpsters nearby and grabbed it.

He walked over to Kenji's body, and put his hands over Kenji's eyes to close them as if he was sleeping. Denki placed the bedsheet over the body and left the alleyway. The minute he stepped out of the alleyway he was grabbed from behind.

Denki tried wrenching his arm out of the person's grip, but their grip didn't falter. Instead, the grip tightened. Denki spun around to get a look at his attacker. He was met with Shouta Aizawa also known as Eraserhead.

Denki knew he was in trouble. Everyone who was underground feared Aizawa. Sure they had many threats, but Eraserhead was the real deal. He was the closest hero to discovering the organization.

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