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Trigger Warning: There is death and guns. The start and end is marked. 

Kaminari was exhausted. There have been nonstop missions for the past week. He was getting tired of it. He still hasn't learned the name of the main man behind the operation, so he started calling him Kurai. He really wanted to leave, but his love for his family outweighed it.

He didn't even know if Kamui was still okay or if he died from difficulties or something. He knows that his classmates are okay because he had seen them on the way to school in the mornings when he had some time.

He's learned not to be late or even close to the time limit after the first after the first 'training' experience. He can still feel the scars and open wounds on his back. He shuddered trying to imagine the punishment for talking back to anyone. He didn't know if he ever wanted to do that.

Kaminari was making his way to the room for another mission. He had an odd feeling that something was off today. He knocked on the door and entered the room. He was met with an extra person in the room, who was talking to Kurai. Their attention immediately focused on him.

"Keraunós what did I say about knocking before entering," Kurai said. Kaminari bowed his head and said nothing. He knew that this was a rhetorical question. "No answer. Training immediately after you get back," he said, anger in his voice.

"Yes sir," Kaminari said, already regretting everything. "This is Haruto. He is here to make sure that you carry out your mission, so don't even think about trying anything," he said. Kaminari kept his head bowed, "What is my mission, sir?"

"You are to kill Endeavor," he said, and Kaminari immediately whipped his head up. "I'm sorry sir. Could you repeat that?" he asked. Kurai rolled his eyes, "Are you deaf? Your mission is to kill Endeavor." Kaminari was shocked. Sure they had him kill high risk people like successful businessmen, but never a pro-hero. Kaminari especially didn't want to do this one because Endeavor is Todoroki's father as well.

"Yes sir," Kaminari said, turning to leave. He heard footsteps following him. He went through the normal routine of heading to the bus stop in town. Haruto didn't say anything the entire time. It was a silent run all the way into town.

Kaminari thought about whether he would be able to do this. It was also a Saturday, so there was the possibility that Todoroki would be home. He didn't want to kill his father in front of him. He kept his face calm, knowing that Haruto would be watching his every move.

The entire bus rides to Musutafu was spent in silence. It was around dinnertime when the bus came to a stop in Musutafu. Kaminari got off the bus with Haruto following him. Kaminari tapped his fingers against his thigh, hoping to get the shakiness out.

He didn't know exactly where the Todorokis lived, so he let Haruto take the lead. He could tell that Haruto was tense for whatever reason. He let Haruto lead him through the trees. Kaminari stopped when the house came into view and he could see movement in the house.

Haruto silently stayed in the shadows and Kaminari followed his lead. They went around the back and entered the house. He made sure that Haruto was the one leading, so if they were caught, he would be the first one seen.

The deeper into the house they got, the more noise Kaminari heard. They were outside what they would assume to be the dining room and Kaminari could hear conversation happening instead. He could hear Endeavor and a higher voice that he assumed was Todoroki's sister.

He saw Haruto pull out a gun. "Don't look," he said as he brought the gun up. Kaminari was confused. He thought that he was meant to kill Endeavor, not Haruto. Haruto kicked open the door and strode in. The conversation immediately stopped. Kaminari peeked his head around the corner and saw everyone sitting there.

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