After School

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Author's Note/Trigger Warning: There are self-deprecating thoughts. I will mark where it starts and ends.

Denki wasn't ready for any questions that Kamui might have. He hoped that it would be one of his assistants or something. He also didn't know what would actually happen. If said person would come in and get him or if Kaminari would find the car.

He figured he could hang out with friends for a bit while he waited, so he went with them to the dorms. "You think you have time for a few video games?" Sero asked. "I don't know. We can try some though," Kaminari said.

"Sweet," Sero said as he pumped his fist in the air. "Come on Kiri and Bakugou," Sero said as he rushed off to his room. "Uhh," Kaminari said, seeing as he didn't know where Sero's dorm was.

Kirishima noticed and said, "Come on, you can follow us." "Thanks," Kaminari said as he fell into a rhythm with Kirishima's steps. Bakugou was following behind them, but was grumbling the whole time.

"Chill out, Blasty," Kaminari said, teasing him. Kirishima groaned as he realized what was going to happen. Bakugou was silently fuming behind them. "Listen here you little," he started saying before Kirishima put his hand over Bakugou's mouth.

"Anyways," Kirishima said as he dragged Bakugou along and continued, "Sero's room is on the second floor, so we'll take the stairs." They went up the stairs and made it to Sero's room in no time.

Bakugou had calmed down enough, so that he wouldn't lunge at Kaminari when released. So, Kirishima had let him go and knocked on Sero's door. "We're here," Kirishima called.

A moment later the door opened to reveal Sero, who said, "Awesome, I have all the stuff set up already, so come on in." They entered the dorm room, and Kirishima settled himself onto the beanbag chair.

Bakugou sat on the floor next to it while Sero went to the other side of the beanbag by Kirishima. Kaminari stayed standing by the entry. "Come on in, you can sit wherever you like," Sero said when he noticed Kaminari.

Kaminari hesitantly went in and sat on the floor a bit away from Sero. Sero noticed the odd behavior, but didn't question it. "What do you want to do first?" Sero asked, mainly toward Bakugou and Kirishima.

"We can play Super Smash Bros," Kirishima suggested. Sero looked over to Bakugou for approval. When Bakugou didn't show any signs of annoyance, he deemed it fine. "That works," Sero said while getting up to put the game on.

"It may take a bit if we want to get Kaminari's controls set up," Sero said while walking back over. "It's fine, you don't have to do that," Kaminari quickly said. "Nah bro, it's fine. It makes playing more enjoyable, trust me," Sero said.

Kaminari weighed the options in his head, "Fine, but only, so that I can destroy you. I think." Sero laughed and said, "Totally bro, heads up, I'm the master at this game." They got the game going and set up Kaminari's controls.

They picked a random map, and then Kaminari also decided to pick a random character. Kirishima and Sero had also decided to go with random, but Bakugou picked Wolf. The round started with Kaminari getting Jigglypuff.

Kirishima got Mario and Sero got Dark Pit. Sero was okay with him and when he saw who Kaminari got he laughed. "Oh, you're kidding me. That's so funny!" he said while laughing. Kirishima had to pause the game because of how much he was laughing.

"It's not that funny," Kaminari pouted because in all reality he didn't know why it was funny. "Mhhm," Sero said unconvincingly. Sero had calmed down after a minute and Kirishima had unpaused it.

"Hey! I wasn't ready!" Bakugou shouted. "Sorry Bakubro," Kirishima said while focusing."Wow, you're bad bro," Sero said when he saw that Kaminari had self-destructed, getting rid of his first stock.

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