First Day

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For one of the first times in his life, Kaminari was nervous. He didn't know how the other students would react or if Nezu would even tell them. He woke up early and got dressed before heading downstairs.

He saw Kamui at the stove making breakfast. He noticed Kaminari and said, "Good morning, I'm making some eggs." Kaminari looked at the pan and saw that it was specifically scrambled eggs.

"They smell delicious," Kaminari said while sitting down at the table. "They'll be ready in like three minutes," Kamui said, then focused his attention back to the eggs. Kaminari nodded and waited at the table.

His mind was still racing in anticipation of today. He wanted to know, but also didn't want to know what others thought of him. He knows that he's putting on a mask. There was no way he was letting them see his expressionless face.

Kamui placed down the pan, signaling that it was time to eat. Kamui had already placed the drinks on the table, so they just needed to grab the eggs. Before Kaminari could do anything, Kamui grabbed his plate and put eggs on it.

"I could do it myself," Kaminari grumbled at him. "I know, but what kind of host would I be if I didn't serve my guests," Kamui said while getting himself some eggs. Kaminari grumbled, but didn't say anything else.

"How are you feeling about today," Kamui asked. "Just fine. They may or may not know I'm an assassin, but it's just fine," Kaminari ranted. "If it makes you feel better, nobody told them about you being an assassin," Kamui said, hoping to calm Kaminari.

"So, if I never tell them, then I won't have to worry about anything," Kaminari said, he had calmed down a little bit, but not much. "Yea," Kamui said. Kaminari had finished his eggs and put his plate in the sink to wash later.

"What time do we have to be there?" Kaminari asked, walking back over to the dining room. "Homeroom is at 8:25, but we should be there at 8:10, so that you can have some time to sort things out." Kamui said.

"How long does it take to get there?" Kaminari asked while looking at the time on the clock. "Around half an hour. Why?" Kamui said as he walked over to put his plate in the sink. "It's kinda 7:50," Kaminari said.

Even though Kaminari couldn't see it, Kamui's eyes widened. "Shoot, we need to go right now. Do you have everything you need?" he said while rushing towards the door. "Yeah," Kaminari said as he left the house.

Kamui went out behind him and locked the door. He ran/walked over to the car and got in. He started the car, made sure Kaminari was in, and drove off. He hoped that they wouldn't hit any traffic that day.

Kaminari had turned the radio on to a random station, but he wasn't listening to it. Instead, he was staring out the window at the downcast cloud. He hoped that it would start raining later.

Rain always calmed Kaminari down since it was soothing and relaxing. He had zoned out for the entire car ride. He didn't notice when they had made it to the school. He only noticed when Kamui put a hand on his shoulder.

Kaminari had jumped, but relaxed when he realized who it was. "Are you ready?" Kamui said. Kaminari nodded his head and got out of the car. Kamui also got out and went through the doors.

Kaminari followed him as he led the way to the 1A classroom. They made it there and saw Aizawa waiting outside the doors. When Aizawa noticed them he beckoned them to follow him.He led them so that they were out of sight from passersby.

"We haven't told anybody about Kaminari other than that he just moved here and got into the hero's course. It actually works out cause we were looking for somebody to replace a student." he explained.

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