The End

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Author's Note: This is the last chapter of this story. Thank you to everyone who commented and voted on the chapters. 

Kaminari woke up to someone shaking his shoulder. He rubbed at his eyes, hoping to wake up quicker. He looked and saw that it was Akari."Good morning." she smiled at him.

"Good morning, what time is it?" Kaminari questioned.

"It's 2:30 in the afternoon," Asuka laughed. "You fell asleep pretty early."

Kaminari pushed himself up and looked to his side. Tamaki was still reading his book. "Yea, I guess so. I'm going to head back early. I'm pretty sure I worried my friends when I ran off."

He walked over to Kamui, who was smiling at him. "I'm happy to hear that you're taking responsibility. I'll be out within the week." Kamui hugged Kaminari and Kaminari hugged back. "I'll see you later. Be safe and I love you."

Kaminari smiled as he approached the door. "I will be. I love you as well." He walked out the door and down the hall. He decided to walk back to U.A. to sort out his thoughts. It was only a 30 minute walk, but it passed by within seconds.

Sooner than he would've liked he was standing in front of the door to the dorms. He would need to steal one of his friend's phones to message Aizawa and tell him that he was back at the dorms.

He took a deep breath and carefully opened the doors. He hoped that he would be able to sneak to his room without letting anyone know that he was back. That plan was immediately foiled when he made eye contact with Kirishima.

"Bro, you're back already," he said, walking towards Kaminari. He was about to respond when someone ran straight into him.

He looked down and saw that it was MIna. His hands hovered above her uncertainty. "Hey Mina. Are you okay?" She shook her hand and wrapped her arms around him tighter. "What's wrong?"

Kaminari looked to Kirishima for help, who shrugged in reply. Kaminari brought his arms around Mina. "Are you okay?" she asked into his shirt. Although it was muffled, he was able to understand her.

The rest of the Bakusquad made a protective barrier around them from others in the common room. "What do you mean? I'm surrounded by my friends. Why wouldn't I be okay?"

It was the truth. Bakugou snarled at anyone who sent a look their way that he didn't like. Sero had placed a hand on both Mina's and Kaminari's shoulder, offering his support. Kirishima helped Bakugou while also watching his friends.

Kaminari couldn't have asked for any better friends. "She's talking about this morning," Sero said.

Kaminari frowned, "Oh, can we talk about it in private? Like in Kirishima's room perhaps."

Of course, let's go," Sero said, walking to the elevator. Mina pulled out of the hug, but was still snuggled into Kaminari. Kirishima and Bakugou brought up the rear. Jirou had joined them at some point as well.

They all moved into the elevator not making a sound. Kaminari sighed, "You guys know that I'm okay, right. It happened a while ago. That didn't seem to make it better.

Bakugou turned around to face him. "That doesn't make it better Kaminari. It makes it worse because that never should have happened to you. They are just a bunch of assholes. So, stop being an idiot."

Kaminari along with some others let out a startled laugh. Kirishima jabbed Bakugou in the ribs. "What he meant to say was that everyone is here for you. You don't have to hesitate to reach out to any of us."

"I know it's just difficult. Especially because I don't have a phone." he said and everyone just stared at him.

"Why don't you have a phone?" Jirou asked.

"Organization never gave me one. Neither Aizawa nor Kamui have had time to get me one either or they just forgot." Kaminari shrugged. It really didn't bother him. In fact, judging by the looks on his friends' faces, it bothered them more.

"I'm sure that I'll get one soon. It isn't a big deal. Anyway, so sleepover in Kirishima's room," Kaminari proposed. Mina had calmed down by now and had a smile on her face.

"Yea, it's fine with me. Are you joining us, Jirou?" he asked.

"Sure, I have nothing better to do. Besides, it's fun seeing Bakugou get mad at some games," she said, smiling at Bakugou while she said the last part.

Bakugou flipped her off while mumbling something along the lines of the games being rigged. "How can they be rigged you dumbass," Jirou said. Kirishima held Bakugou back as he tried to lunge at her.

The elevator opened right after, so Jirou smiled as she stepped off. Sero followed her and Kirishima and Bakugou followed him. Mina and Kaminari followed them out, laughing at their antics.

As soon as they were in Kirishima's room they fell into a flow. Everyone did their jobs and the set up was done in no time. They decided to start off with a movie instead of games this time.

They had just finished Onward when there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it," Kaminari said, getting up and walking around the pile. He opened the door and saw that it was Aizawa. "What are you doing here, Aizawa-sensei?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his friends do a double take. "I came here because you never told me that you were back, so I had to hear it from your classmates," Aizawa scolded him.

Kaminari put his hands up, "In my defense I don't have a phone. Also, I may have forgotten."

"Right well, I came to talk to you. Also, I'll see what I can do about a phone." Aizawa said.

Kaminari was about to respond when Aizawa was shoved to the side. Kaminari was on alert before he realized who it was. "Dad!" Kaminari cried, leaping forwards into Kamui's arms.

Kamui stumbled, not expecting it, but wrapped his arms around his son. Kaminari buried his head into his father's chest. "I thought you weren't getting out for a few more days."

Kamui ran his hand through Kaminari's hair. "Nope, I was working with the nurses to surprise you. That's what I was talking about with Akari and Asuka after you fell asleep."

Someone cleared their throat behind Kaminari. He didn't care. He kept his face in Kamui's chest and arm and a half around Kamui. Kamui chuckled, "You must be my son's friends. He talks about you guys a lot."

"Good things, I hope," Sero chuckled.

"Only good things. You should hear him. He could talk for an entire day about you guys." Each word sent a rumbling in Kamui's chest, which helped comfort Kamui. He finally ended the hug, but still stayed by Kamui.

He saw that Aizawa had left at some point in time. His friends were smiling at them. "What are you doing here?" Kaminari asked, still confused, but not ungrateful.

"I've already cleared it with Aizawa, but would you like to come home for the rest of the weekend?" Kamui asked.

Kaminari smiled brighter than he has over the last few weeks. "Of course!" He turned back to his friends. "I'll see you guys on Monday." His friends chuckled and shoed them off.

Kaminari kept his smile on while they took the elevator down and walked through the common room. He saw people send them odd looks, but none were hostile, even Iida's. They walked to Kamui's car and drove home.

Kaminari was happy the entire way back. They got back and Kamui put on a random show. Kamui sat on the couch while Kaminari sat in front of him. Kamui raked his fingers through Kaminari's hair.

His last thought before he fell asleep was that this is what home and a family felt like. 

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