Stressful Night

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A/N: There are descriptions of blood, self deprecating thoughts, panic attack, death, and gore. I'll be marking the start and end of it.

Trigger warning start

Kaminari opened his eyes and was met with a gruesome sight. He was surrounded and covered in blood. He let his eyes adjust to the darkness and little more and stumbled back when he saw something in the darkness.

He saw Kirishima lying face down in a puddle of blood. Kaminari tried rushing over, but the moment he took a step forward he tripped. He looked back at what he tried over and had to stifle a scream.

He had tried over Sero's body. Kaminari crawled over to him to see if he was still alive. Kaminari had to keep back a sob when he found no pulse. Kaminari turned away and had to stifle another scream.

Now that his eyes were adjusted to the dark he could see pretty much anything. Kaminari was surrounded by the bodies of all of his classmates. They had been stabbed through the heart.

Kaminari looked over to where he had originally been standing and saw that a blood covered knife was lying there. Kaminari quickly came to a grim realisation, but before he could dwell on it for long, he heard movement behind him.

He looked behind him and saw some of his classmates getting up, including Kirishima, Bakugou, and Mina. He quickly stood up and started walking over to Kirishima to make sure that he was alright.

He stopped when Kirihima glared at him. "This is all your fault. I never should've trusted you." Kaminari felt the tears that he had been holding back spring to his eyes. He knows that he deserves that, but it still hurts. "I didn't mean to," Kaminari tried weakly.

Kirishima walked forward with Bakugou and Mina right behind him. He jammed his finger into Kaminari's chest. "Doesn't matter, you still killed us." Kaminari stumbled back a little from the force of the jab.

"I didn't want to. I'm so sorry. I'll do better, I promise," Kaminari cried out, tears falling freely down his face by now. Bakugou decided enough was enough and pushed past Kirishima. He grabbed Kaminari by the collar of his shirt and lifted him off of the ground.

"You had already lost control and injured me earlier, but that just wasn't enough for you, huh. You had to finish the job, didn't you," Bakugou yelled into his face. Kaminari closed his eyes and shook his head, hoping to dispel any unwanted thoughts but it didn't work.

Bakugou dropped him and Kaminari crumpled into a heap on the floor as his thoughts overran him. Thoughts of 'you're useless', 'everyone is better off without you', 'you betrayed their trust', and more were running through his head.

Kaminair felt someone shake, but he didn't look up, not wanting to see his classmates' angry faces again. He felt something warm pressing against his side, but that didn't make any sense to him. As he started becoming more aware, he was feeling more things.

He could feel something cool against his forehead and he heard some kind of humming or it was talking, Kaminari couldn't tell. The feeling of worth at his side started to grow and he decided to open his eyes, only to immediately close them because it was too bright.

He heard someone beside him mutter something before the warmth left his side. Kaminari was confused. Just a minute ago he was surrounded by his classmates' bodies, but now there was someone else here, one who seemed like he didn't want to hurt him.

The warth returned a second later and Kaminari opened his eyes again. Instead of shutting them immediately, he squinted to keep a little light out. He felt someone touch the side of his face and he immediately flinched back.

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