Chilling Out

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Kaminari groaned as he woke up. He was exhausted. Not just physically, but also mentally. He wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. He looked around the room and saw that everyone else was still asleep.

They were all sprawled over each other, even Bakugou was in the pile. He smiled and carefully stood up. There wasn't any school that day, so he didn't have to worry about going anywhere.

He opened his bag and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. He wrote that he was just going on a run and put it on Kirishima's desk. He slowly opened the door and shut it behind himself.

He made sure to be quiet as he walked through halls and down the stairs. He looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 6:30 in the morning. No sane person would be awake this early on a weekend.

Kaminari was putting his shoes on when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. Kaminari tensed and turned around. Iida was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. "Where do you think you're going?"

Kaminari put his hands in his pocket to stop him from making any inappropriate movements. "I'm going on a run. I already left a note for Kirishima, so don't worry."

Iida scoffed, "How am I not supposed to worry when I have a murderer living with me?"

"Okay, let's get one thing straight. I didn't kill because I wanted to. I killed because I had to. I've never enjoyed killing. I've only done it for survival. I feel terrible for every life that I've taken away, even if some deserved it," Kaminari ranted.

"If you're so skilled, then how come you never got out?" Iida said. Kaminari wanted to strangle him.

"Are you an idiot? That's like you trying to kill All Might or Aizawa-sensei. The only reason I ever got out is because they let me. If they didn't let me, then I would still be in the organization," Kaminari almost shouted, but kept his voice down.

Iida looked shocked before he returned to a neutral expression. "That's not the same."

Kaminari was appalled. "How is it not? The leaders of the organization were more skilled than me. All Might is more skilled than you. You didn't grow up having to fight to live. I did. If I didn't fight, then I would've been killed."

Iida didn't respond. It seemed that Kaminari was starting to get through to him. "How do you know that for sure?"

Kaminari sighed. He didn't want to show Iida, but he knew that he had to. Kaminari turned, so that his back was facing Iida. He pulled up the back of his shirt and heard multiple gasps.

Kaminari quickly turned back around and saw that the Bakisqaud plus Jirou were standing behind Iida. Jirou must've heard his argument with Iida. They all had troubled expressions on their faces.

Mina had brought his hands to her face. She stepped closer and Kaminari took a step back before he could stop himself. He didn't want his friends to see them. He didn't want their pity.

Mina stopped where she was. "Kami, why didn't you tell us?"

Kaminari didn't feel up to this conversation, so he ignored the question. "I'm going on a run." He turned and ran out of the building. He heard them yell for him to come back, but he ignored them.

He didn't know where he was running to, but he had to leave. He slowed down when he knew that no one was following him. As he became aware of his surroundings, he realized he ran to the stump.

He sat on it and curled his knees to his chest. He didn't know why he panicked that badly. He just couldn't be there anymore. Kaminari laid down and stared at the sky. It was a little overcast and it seemed like it could rain anytime.

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