A Very Bad No Good Day

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Author's Note: Sorry for the inactivity. Things have been going on in my life and I haven't had much free time to sit down and write. I will try to post more frequently, but no promises.

Kaminari walked and the first thing he noticed was that most of the teachers were gathered around Nedzu's desk. Kaminari sighed and continued walking forward closer to his doom.

As Kaminari got closer he could read their facial expressions better. There were a variety of expressions. One of the most surprising being worry. Kaminari expected them to be angry, maybe even downright pissed, but worry wasn't up there.

Kaminari came to a stop in front of Nedzu's desk while Aizawa joined the others on the other side of the desk. It was silent for a while and Kaminari shifted nervously on his feet wondering what they were waiting for.

He got his answer as not a second later the door opened and Present Mic walked in. "How're the students?" Aizawa quietly asked Mic as he took the seat beside him.

"They're fine, Shouta. Now stop worrying, Bakugou was awake when I left if that helps," Mic answered, trying to calm Aizawa, which worked as Kaminari could see a tiny bit of tension leave his form, but he was still tense.

There was silence again, and Kaminari was still wondering when they would start talking and if they were waiting for someone else. From the looks of it most of his teachers. The only ones missing were Ectoplasm and Midnight.

Kaminari caught All Might's gaze and immediately directed his gaze down to the floor. The silence was almost unbearable and Kaminari wanted to make a joke, but figured that it wouldn't be the best idea at the moment.

The silence was interrupted by the bell ringing signalling either the end of the third period or the start of fourth. Kaminari still didn't know how long he was out for and raised his gaze off the floor, in search of a clock.

Sure enough there was one on the wall directly behind Nedzu's desk. He checked the time and was shocked to see that it was 11:31 ish, but he didn't let it show on his face. Last he remembered it was the middle of P.E.

Kaminari's mind wandered back to P.E. He really should've been able to control his bloodlust, but he let it get the better of him like an idiot. His mind went back to Bakugou unconscious on the ground with Recovery Girl leaning over him.

He really hoped that he was okay. Kaminari thought about the worried looks he got from some of his classmates, specifically Sero and Kirisima. He didn't deserve their worry. He deserved to have them hate him. He did after all hurt their best friend.

He was shaken out of his thoughts by the bell ringing again, signalling the start of fourth period. He had returned his gaze to the ground at some point and kept it there even after someone cleared their throat.

He only looked up when Nedzu started talking. "You may want to take a seat Kaminari. I have a feeling this is gonna take a while." Kaminari nodded, but didn't say anything as he sat on the floor, ignoring how small it made him feel.

"So, what exactly happened?" Nedzu asked, mostly to Aizawa, so Aizawa went on to describe the situation that happened during P.E. Seeing as Kaminari already knew what had mostly happened, and he really didn't want to have all the details, he zoned out.

He zoned back in when he heard Nedzu say his name. Kaminari looked up to see his concerned look. "Yes, Nedzu-sensei."

"Can you explain what happened during training?"

So, Kaminari explained everything that happened up until when he let his bloodlust take control. "After that I don't remember much. The next thing I do remember is that I was kneeling in the sand."

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