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Trigger Warning: There are mentions of suicide, fights, blades, and death. The start and end is marked as always.

Kaminari has been feeling heavy all day. Ever since Haruto killed Endeavor and stood up to Isamu he's felt drained. He hasn't seen Haruto since that day. Isamu has given his 'training' lessons and he has gained many more scars during those lessons.

Trigger Warning Start–Suicide–

Isamu has given him so many more missions that he's thought about just giving up. The only reason he hasn't is because of his friends. The thought of them searching and waiting for him to come back, only for him to be dead is heart-breaking to him.

Trigger Warning End

He sighed and sat up. He had another mission that day and it was in Mufastu. He's been getting better at getting there and back in a good amount of time, so that he's been back early from his missions. He's thought about trying to contact Aizawa, but hasn't in fear of what may happen if Isamu found out.

He was already given the information that he would need, so he was set to go. Isamu had told him to rest until evening, so Kaminari decided to head out to get back early. He made it to Yamanashi in time for the bus out to a different city.

He's been lucky enough to get different bus drivers every time, but he knew he was pushing it. He made it to Mufastu with no issue. The sun had completely set and Kaminari stayed in the shadows. His target this time was someone named Aoto Ito.

He owned a club in downtown Mufastu and was known for getting into some shady business like drug dealing. The bus driver gave him a look when he got off in downtown Mufastu, but Kaminari didn't notice.

The club wasn't far from the bus stop, so Kaminari had no trouble finding it. Kaminari knew that there was no way the bouncer was going to let him in, so he had to find a back entrance. He circled the building and only found one door. He approached the door and tried opening it, but it didn't budge. It was locked.

He grabbed a pin that he always hid in his hair and bent it to be able to pick the lock. He heard the lock click and he twisted the handle. It moved and he opened the door. He was immediately hit with the smell of alcohol.

He scrunched his nose and moved on through the back of the club. He squinted his eyes when he entered the main room. The room was filled with flashing purples, blues, and pinks. It was also unbearably loud that he knew he was going to have a massive headache later.

Kaminari looked at everyone and it was packed. He had no idea how he was going to find Aoto in this. He assumed that he would be surrounded by bodyguards, so he looked for them. He saw a sectioned off part of the room that was populated by a few guys and women.

Kaminari weaved through the crowd and made his way over there. He ducked under the rope and approached the people. He saw bodyguards making their way over. "Are you Aoto Ito?" he asked the man in the middle.

The man looked up and held his arms up to the men approaching, making them stop. "Who's asking?"

"I'm interested in you know what," Kaminari said, gesturing with his hands.

The man looked at him and shook his head. "I am Aoto, but I don't offer that to teenagers." Aoto was confused for a moment, "How are you even in here? Nobody under 20 is allowed in and you certainly don't look that old."

Trigger Warning Start–knife, fight–

"That's all I needed, thank you," Kaminari said, bowing to him. At that same moment he reached into a pocket and pulled out his knife. He saw the guards moving again, but it was too late. He closed the distance between them and stabbed Aoto in the heart.

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