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There surprisingly weren't any complications for the rest of school. He was told to sit out during hero training because of his arm, but that was reasonable. He was in his last class for the day and couldn't wait to get back to Kamui.

The bell rang and Kaminari practically jumped out of his seat. He got a few strange looks from his classmates, but he just gave them a sheepish smile. "What are you doing tonight?" Kirishima asked.

Kaminari turned around. "I'm most likely going to spend time with Kamui. That is if I can get a ride. What are your plans?"

Kirishima smiled at him. "I'm sure that a teacher will give you a ride. I think that it's a Bakusquad sleepover slash study night. You're welcome to join us when you get back to the dorms."

Kaminari smiled and noticed Aizawa leaving out of the corner of his eye. "I should probably go before I don't know where any teachers are. I'll see you later." He grabbed his stuff and walked away.

"See you later Kami. That sleepover is in my room," Kirishima called after him. Kaminari smiled and waved at him. He saw Aizawa waiting for him outside the door. He gave Kaminari a knowing glance.

Kaminari nodded his head. "Alright, follow me." Aizawa walked away, leaving Kaminari to follow him. Kaminari followed Aizawa to his car and got into the backseat. The ride to the hospital was silent, but comfortable.

Aizawa pulled up to the hospital. Kaminari began to get out when he noticed that Aizawa stayed put. "Aren't you going to come in? I thought a pro-hero had to be with me at all times."

Aizawa smiled, which made Kaminari more nervous.He started fidgeting with his cast. "We had a meeting the other day and got rid of that rule. Now, you're just a normal student."

Kaminari froze. "Are you being serious?" he asked in disbelief. Aizawa nodded. "Thank you so much." he said. Kaminari knew that Aizawa would've been one of his biggest defenders in that meeting.

"It's no issue, problem child. Now go, I'm sure Kamui wants to see you," Aizawa said.

Kaminari smiled a genuine smile. "Thank you so much. Who's picking me up tonight?"

"I have a night patrol, so Present Mic will pick you up."

"Thank you so much, Aizawa-sensei. I see you tomorrow," he said, shutting the car door. He maintained enough composure to walk through the doors, but when he was out of Aizawa's sight, he ran.

He heard people shouting, so he threw a thumbs up behind him. He heard a few of the nurses chuckle. It seemed that they recognized him. He stopped in front of Kamui's room and took a deep breath to regain control.

He opened the door and stepped in. He saw Kamui looking at him with a smile. "Someone was excited," he commented.

"You heard didn't you," Kaminari blushed.

Kamui laughed slightly, "I heard. You seem to like causing chaos in hospitals." Kaminari sat on the chair by the bed. "How are you?"

Kaminari smiled at him. "I'm really happy right now, because you get to help me with homework."

Kamui groaned. "I'm not in school anymore. Why do I have to help do your homework?"

"Because you love me," Kaminari tried.

Kamui smiled at him, "You're right. Let's get to it, son." Kaminari choked on nothing. "Are you okay?" Kamui asked, looking at him with concern.

"Yea, I just wasn't expecting that. Do you see me as your son?" Kaminari asked.

"Yea, I thought that was obvious. Are you not comfortable with it? I'll stop if you aren't."

Kaminari stood up. "I'm fine with it, but how can you see me as your son?" At Kamui's confused look, Kaminari continued. "I've killed people. I almost got you killed. I almost got my classmates killed. How can you look at me as your son?"

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