First Day Complications

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Author's Note: Sorry about the infrequent updates, but I've only just now gotten into the flow of things at school, so I'll try and update more. There are descriptions of injuries and fights, so the starts and ends are marked

Kaminari had made it through the first half without much issue. Sure, he got a few strange and possibly hostile looks from people in the hall, but it wasn't that bad. In his record he thought that this day was going pretty well.

Sure Aizawa had his stay after homeroom to talk, but it wasn't bad. He was just telling Kaminari that they could train and work on keeping his bloodlust under control, but Kaminari expected that since he couldn't keep training with Kamui.

He hadn't talked to his friends since the morning and had been avoiding them, but that was fine. He could handle that and he was about to go to the roof for lunch when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He turned around and saw a scowling face and ash blond hair. Kaminari sighed, and let himself be led to someplace by Bakugou. None of the rest of the Bakusquad was there, so Kaminari assumed that he had ditched them somewhere.

Bakugou led him to the courtyard behind the school. Bakugou then pinned Kaminari to the wall. "What the hell was that on Thursday?" Bakugou asked. Kaminari caresully slid out of Bakugou's grip and stood on his own feet.

"What are you talking about?" Kaminari asked, even though he knew this wouldn't work. "What happened to you on Thursday during training?" Bakugou asked again, voice a little quieter.

"I don't know. It just happened," Kaminari answered with a half truth. "What set you off?" Bakugou asked, as if he cared for Kaminari. Kaminari noticed this and used it to his advantage, "Aww, do you care about me blasty?"

"No, why do you think I care about you?!" Bakugou raised his voice in annoyance, but the way Bakugou didn't meet his eyes told Kaminaari everything he needed to know. "Aww, you do care about little old me." Kaminari said, poking the bear more.

"Why you lit-," Bakugou started to say before Kaminari unexpectedly darted out of firing range. "Get back here you little," Bakugou yelled, chasing after Kaminari. Kaminari ran to the cafeteria and went to the Bakusquads table with the yelling Bakugou.

Kaminari plopped himself into the seat next to Kirishima and quickly tried hiding behind him. Kirishima didn't notice him, so when Kaminari grabbed him to act as a human shield he jumped and hardened himself out of instinct.

Kaminari quickly pulled his hands away, not expecting nor wanting to get stabbed. Kirishima quickly unhardened himself and faced Kaminari. "Where did you come from? Also, what are you doing?"

"No time. Act as a human shield for a second," Kaminari said while the rest of the squad watched in amusement. "What, wh-," Kirishima was saying, but was cut off when a red, steaming Bakugou approached the table.

Kirishima sighed and stood up, ignoring all the stares they were getting. He hardened his skin and grabbed Bakugou and took him to the table. Bakugou sat on Kirishima's left with Kaminari on his right. Bakugou was still steaming, but turned to the rest of his idiots.

Kirishima, Mina, and Sero returned to the conversation they were having before everything happened. Soon, the rest of the cafeteria returned back to normal as well. Kaminari sat and listened in on the conversation that was happening.

He didn't have a lunch since he didn't pack one and he wasn't going to go up to lunch rush in the middle of lunch. Sero noticed and asked, "Do you have a lunch Kami?" Kaminari was surprised by the nickname, but moved past it thinking it was a slip of the tongue.

"No, I didn't pack one this morning and there is no way I'm going to get some in the middle of lunch," Kaminari said. "Well you can have some of mine, I have extra," Sero said. "I'll just have something when I get home. It's no big deal." Kaminari said.

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