Back To School

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Author's Note: I am starting school again this week, so the updates may get slower. There are self-deprecating thoughts. The start and end will be marked.

The weekend passed far too quickly for Kaminari's liking. After the first time he trained with Kamui, they had made improvements to their methods. Kaminai opted to have his hands bound with Kamui's wood to avoid hurting him.

Kaminari hated the feeling of it, but it was ten times better than hurting Kamui. Kaminari did his best to avoid showing the uncomfort on his face, but he was pretty sure that Kamui knew. Kaminari sighed as he laid on his bed, hoping to fall asleep.

He had to go back to school the next day, but he had barely made any progress in controlling the blood lust. He could activate it easily, but then he was stuck. He was stuck in his bloodlust state for anywhere between an hour to two.

Kaminari looked to the side at the alarm clock, seeing it say 3. Kaminari sighed once again and slowly sat up. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. He slowly opened his door to avoid it creaking. He walked to the living room and sat down on one of the couches.

Kaminari held his head in his hands as he leaned forwards. He could feel dread settling in his gut and felt as his fingers tapped at his head. He knew that worrying about going back to school wouldn't do him any good, but he couldn't help it. Ever since staying with Kamui, Kaminari felt the control of his emotions slip.

He felt safe and comfortable in Kamui's home, but he didn't know why. He had never felt like this at his own parents' home. He also felt fine whenever Kamui touched him, whether it was in the form of hugs or head pats. Kaminari sighed again and leaned into the couch.

He stared blankly ahead as his thoughts consumed him. He wondered how his classmate would react to him  being back at school. The last time he saw them, most of them were scared and some were downright terrified, and he knew it was because of him.

Kaminari brought his knees to his chest and rested his head on them as he stared ahead. Kaminari had no idea how long had sat there for, but by the time he came back around, the sun was starting to rise and light was filling the house.

Kaminari sighed as he stood up and stretched. He went to the kitchen and checked the time on the oven. He saw that it read five, so he went to go take a shower and get ready for the day. He knew that Kamui usually woke up at around six, so it gave him an hour to himself.

Kaminari walked to his room to grab some clothes to change into after his shower because he wasn't putting his uniform on right after it. Although he did lay it out on his own for when he was going to change into it.

Kaminari just grabbed underwear, a pair of sweatpants, and a hoodie. He quickly made his way to the bathroom and turned the shower onto hot water. Once he deemed it the right temperature, he undressed and stepped into it.

He let the hot water wash over him and took his worries with it for the moment. He washed his hair and stayed under the stream of water for a solid ten minutes before stepping out and changing into his clothes.

He walked into the kitchen and checked the time again. It was around 5:30 and he decided that he would get a start on breakfast to thank Kamui for everything he's done for him the past week.

Kaminari was never in the best shape after he trained with his bloodlust. It was alway more of mental injuries than physical, but it was never nice. Most of the time, he passed out from exhaustion.

He always felt warmth before he passed out and Kaminari assumed it was because Kamui had always caught him. Kaminari got out the ingredients for breakfast sandwiches.

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