On The Up

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Kaminari was woken up by someone tapping his shoulder. He fought back the instinct to trap their wrist. Instead he looked up and saw that it was All Might. "I have to head out. Mic will be here soon."

"Okay, thank you for staying here," Kaminari said, getting up to bow.

"It was my pleasure. Tell Kamui I said hi when he wakes up. I see you later," All Might said, walking out the door. Kaminari sat back down on his chair. He saw Kamui's finger twitch.

"Kamui, wake up," the finger twitched again. "Yea, it's Kaminari. Can you wake up?" Kaminari laid his hand on Kamui's. He felt Kamui grip his hand. "That's amazing. Can you open your eyes?" Kamui's eyelid twitched.

"That's good. I'm right here," Kaminari said, rubbing circles into his palm. The door opened and Mic walked in.

"What's up little listener," he said.

"Kamui's waking up," Kaminari exclaimed, keeping his voice down.

Mic rushed over, "Are you sure?"

Kaminari nodded, "He held my hand and his eyelids have been twitching."

"Should I get a doctor or something?" Mic asked, already heading back out.

Kaminari shook his head. He didn't want a doctor to push him out of the room. He focused back on Kamui urging him to open his eyes. A few minutes later, Kamui opened his eyes. Kaminari smiled and carefully hugged Kamui.

He heard Kamui chuckle. "What's wrong? You usually don't like hugs," he said, shakily bringing his hand to pull Kaminari closer.

"You almost died because of me is what's wrong. Of course I'm going to love hugs from you," Kaminari said, refraining from hitting Kamui on the back of his head.

Kamui gave him a sad smile, "That wasn't your fault. You had no control of where the bullet was going to go. You definitely didn't make them try to kill me either."

Kaminari shook his head and buried his head in Kamui's shoulder. "It is. If I stayed, then nobody would have ever been in danger. It should've been me that was hit, not you."

Kamui pushed him away. "Kaminari, that is in no way your fault. You don't deserve to get hurt, much less shot. Don't even think about trying to stay there either. How long have you been thinking like this?"

"Not long," Kaminari said looking at the cast on his arm, which brought Kamui's attention to it.

Kamui delicately took it in his hands. "What happened?" He said with so much care and concern in his voice that Kaminari wanted to cry.

He picked at the edge of it. "I got it while escaping the first time."

"What do you mean escaping? More than once," Kamui said, pulling Kaminari back into a hug.

"Can I explain later?" Kaminari said, cuddling into Kamui, who shakily ran his finger through his hair.

"Of course, my child," Kamui said. Kaminari froze as he realized what Kamui had just said. It seemed like Kamui wasn't going to bring attention to it, so he wasn't going to either. Instead he relaxed in Kamui's hold and fell asleep in his father's arms.


Kaminari was woken up by someone shaking his shoulder yet again. He resisted the urge to flip them over and opened his eyes. Kamui was staring down at him. "Good morning, sleepyhead."

Kaminari rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked around the room and saw Mic standing by the door. He noticed that he was still on Kamui and quickly got off. He blushed from embarrassment and asked, "What's happening?"

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