Back To Normal?

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Kaminari woke up early the next morning. He looked at the time and saw that it was 6:30 in the morning. He rolled up the cot and put it back where Todoroki got it from last night. Todoroki's alarm went off moments later.

He saw Todoroki shut it off and lay in bed. "Are you awake?" Kaminari asked, not knowing if Todoroki went back to bed.

"No, I'm up," Todoroki said, sitting up. "You can leave if you want to. I need to get ready."

Kaminari nodded, grabbed the bowl from the previous night, and headed towards the door. "Thank you for letting me stay here last night. Just remember that I'm here if you ever need to talk."

"It's no problem Kaminari. I'm also here if you need to talk," Todoroki said, getting out of bed.

Kaminari took that as his que to leave, so he walked out the door. Kaminari took the stairs to make sure that the elevator wouldn't wake anyone up. He walked to the kitchen and saw that nobody else was downstairs.

He decided to wash the dishes while waiting for others to wake up. He figured that he should go to school to catch on the stuff he missed. After he washed the dishes, he sat on one of the couches in the common room.

He didn't have anything to entertain himself at the moment, so he just sat there. He reflected on the past few days and realized that even though he was free, he didn't feel free. He never let his guard down even with Kamui.

He knows that he should feel okay and even happy, but he felt anxious. He knows that he shouldn't. Kamui was awake, he was free of the organization, he was even with his friends again. Everything was going his way, but he couldn't help it.

He fidgeted with his fingers, trying to lose some of that energy. It wasn't long until some people started coming downstairs. Some that did were Bakugou, Iida, and obviously Todoroki. He saw Iida glare at him, so he glared right back.

Iida stopped after that and Kaminari heard Bakugu preparing breakfast. Whether it was just for himself or the entire class he didn't know. The downstairs became more populated as it got later.

It was around 7:20 when Mina, Sero, and Kirishima walked into the common room. Mina saw Kaminari immediately. She ran over with Sero following behind her. Mina stopped when she saw the cast on his arm.

"What happened? When did you get here? How is Kamui? Is that what was bothering you yesterday? Can we sign it?" Mina asked, clapping her hands at the last question.

"It never fully healed and I pushed it too far. I got here this morning. If you have the pens, then I don't see why you couldn't sign it," Mina squealed and ran off, presumably back to her room.

Kaminari watched her go and sent a questioning look towards Kirishima. "I don't know bro. I'm assuming that she's grabbing pens though."

Kaminari nodded towards him as Sero approached him. "Man, I'm glad to have you back. Are you going to class today?"

"Yea, getting caught up is going to be a pain in the ass," Kaminari groaned.

Sero patted him on the back. "I would help, but I'm barely managing myself. We should ask Bakugou for a study night later."Kaminari paused. How could you turn studying into a party? Sero must've seen the confusion because he continued. "We just do our homework together and ask Bakugou for help."

Kaminari was about to respond when Mina ran back into the room, waving some markers. "I got them." She handed them out according to the person. She gave Kirishima a red one, Sero a black one, and herself a pink one. She was also holding an orange marker. "Can we sign them now?"

Kaminari nodded and held the cast out. He watched them sign it the same as last time although Mina surrounded her name with stars. After they were done, Kaminari picked at the end of it, keeping his hands busy. He saw Kirishima send him a look, but before he could say anything Bakugou yelled, "Breakfast ready extras."

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