Chapter 9

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Chapter 9. Expressing Sincerity As soon as Mu Shuangxue fell to the ground, Li Yanqing smelled...

    As soon as Mu Shuangxue fell to the ground, Li Yanqing could smell her Xun Su from a distance away, and it was even colder than what he had smelled before, which made him shiver.

    From the smell, she should be angry.

    She is angry.



    Mu Shuangxue pointed her sword at Lu Yu, with a cold light on the blade. A few attendants drew their swords and rushed forward, Mu Shuangxue went up to meet them, one person did not have the slightest advantage against them.

    Her body shape and swordsmanship are flexible and powerful, the blade is cold, the temperature of the air where it sweeps becomes cold, and the blades touched seem to be covered with a thin layer of frost.

    Mu Shuangxue took care of all the attendants brought by Lu Yu in a few strokes, and then held the bloody sword and looked at Lu Yu with murderous eyes.

    Lu Yu put down Li Yanqing and drew out his sword.

    "Where did you come from to play wild with me? Tired of work? Do you know who I am?"

    Mu Shuangxue said coldly, "I'm here to take your dog's life, Lu Yu."

    Li Yanqing watched them fight, feeling the two Their respective moves are more ruthless than when they fought that time. Lu Yu probably used the strength of alcohol, Mu Shuangxue... It

    seems that when she was on the roof just now, she encountered something that made her angry... ...

    Looking at the two of them fighting again, Mu Shuangxue is only a little stronger, and it doesn't look like they can win a quick battle.

    Li Yanqing was afraid that if Mu Shuangxue couldn't kill him quickly, it would be bad if he lured someone over, so he took out the small knife he had hidden on his body, looked for an opportunity to get close to Lu Yu, and stabbed him in the back while he was unaware , Mu Shuangxue took the opportunity to cut him with a sword and kicked him to the ground.

    Lu Yu was stabbed twice, fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

    Mu Shuangxue approached Lu Yu step by step with a sword in hand, ready to completely end his life, Lu Yu moved his body back.

    "Let me tell you, the people behind me are the prime minister and His Royal Highness. If you kill me, they will not let you go. If you kill the officials of the court, you will be exterminated. This is a great crime for exterminating the nine clans!"

    Mu Shuangxue slowly raised the sword, and said in a cold tone, "I'm killing Feng Shen's people."

    Mu Shuangxue was about to swing the sword when Li Yanqing stopped her.

    "Wait a minute."

    Mu Shuangxue looked at Li Yanqing puzzled.

    Li Yanqing turned the dagger in his hand, "I'll do it."

    Mu Shuangxue didn't know why, but she listened to him and put away her sword.

    Li Yanqing walked up to Lu Yu, but Lu Yu wanted to do a dying struggle, but Li Yanqing stepped on him.

    "Don't struggle, don't suffer."

    "You, who are you? When did I offend you? Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

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