Chapter 57

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Chapter 57. I'm just jealous

    The Yayuan case was finally settled after several days of back and forth.

    Li Tai was deprived of his title, his family was confiscated and demoted to a commoner, and he was exiled to the imperial mausoleum to guard it for life.

    Of course Prince Gong was dissatisfied with this result, but the emperor had a tough attitude, and Prince Gong finally accepted the result.

    After Li Tai completely fell from power, Li Yanqing took advantage of the situation and wiped out all his remaining forces.

    However, after the change of blood in the court, and the emperor pushed most things to Li Yanqing as usual, Li Yanqing has been busy in the study of the East Palace for the past few days.

    Last night, Li Yanqing lit up the lamp to fight until midnight, and there was no morning morning this morning, so he got up late.

    When he got to the study, he opened the door and saw Zhong Hu sitting at the desk, helping him with official duties.


    "Yan Qing, I sorted out the rest of your things for you. These are trivial things. I'll take care of them. You can look at them again." Zhong Yu pushed the pile on the left hand side to the side At once, he moved the shorter stack on the right to the middle, "You'd better go through these, I didn't handle them for you, you do it yourself."

    Li Yanqing took a few steps to the desk, "What are you doing? What are you doing? I’m still in good health.”

    “I’ve been fine for a long time.” Zhong Yu took out another booklet, “The few you dismissed in the court, who should take over, I roughly sorted out, here is every position The person I think can be replaced, of course, you have to decide who to choose in the end."

    Li Yanqing took the booklet and flipped through a few pages.

    For each official position, he listed at least two people who could take over, and listed the advantages and disadvantages of each person for taking over this position. The writing is very detailed, and it must have taken a lot of energy.

    Yes, he used to help him deal with things in this way, and he always accepted it with peace of mind, never thinking about whether he was tired or not.

    If you say you can't do without him, how much of it is because you can't do without him to help you deal with various things?

    "How long did it take you to do this?"

    "It's only a few days."

    "So you haven't taken good care of your health recently, and you've been busy doing this without telling me?"

    Li Yanqing's tone seemed to be angry, which made Zhong Yu a little at a loss.

    "Yan Qing..."

    Li Yanqing looked at the booklet in his hand, feeling the urge to tear it up, and threw the booklet on the desk.

    Raising the volume, he said, "Who asked you to do this? You just rest well and recuperate. Is it that difficult? How long have you been sick, and you are still out of breath even now, what else do you want?" ?You told me not to feel guilty or blame myself, and now you are sick and doing this again, are you doing it on purpose? Or do you just want me to blame myself? Or in your heart, I am so useless, without you helping me do this I can't do it myself?"

    After Li Yanqing vented, when he saw Zhong Yu, he stared blankly at himself without any reaction, and began to feel scared again.

    "I'm sorry, that's not what I meant, I'm sorry." Li Yanqing squatted down next to Zhong Yu and stroked his back gently, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I beg you, don't be angry with me."

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