Chapter 29

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Chapter 29. The moment I met Li Yao and Zhong Yu, Li Yanqing...

    The moment Li Yanqing saw Li Yao and Zhong Yu, it was no exaggeration to say that Li Yanqing's feeling was as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on her, cooling her heart and body.

    Li Yao hated him already, and wanted to get rid of him quickly, but now it was equivalent to handing her a big knife, showing her his weakest point.

    The fact that Crown Prince Yu is Dikun cannot be concealed.

    Perhaps there is something worse, in front of Mu Shuangxue, he can't hide the fact that he is the prince of Yu country.

    Maybe tonight, everything is over.

    Li Yanqing staggered and took a step back, being supported by Mu Shuangxue at the back.

    "Xiao Yan, what's the matter?"

    Before Li Yanqing could answer, Li Yao had already walked in front of them.

    "Xiaoyan?" She lifted a corner of the veiled hat, and said with a mischievous smile, "Xiaoyan, do you still know me?"

    Mu Shuangxue, who was standing beside Li Yanqing, also saw Li Yao's appearance, and couldn't help looking more I glanced twice.

    She is definitely the prettiest person I've ever met, and besides, she knows Xiaoyan?

    Mu Shuangxue looked at Li Yanqing who was beside her again, only to see that his expression suddenly became extremely grim.

    "Xiao Yan, what's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?"

    Li Yanqing shook his head with a dazed expression.

    "Xiao Yan?"

    Mu Shuangxue couldn't understand his expression at the moment, as if he was experiencing an extremely terrible thing at the moment.

    Li Yao seemed to be very satisfied with Li Yanqing's expression, and asked the little girl with a bright smile, "Xiao Kui, isn't this young master a genius?"

    "As for the master, he is not."

    Mu Shuangxue thought She wanted to drive Li Yanqing out, protect Li Yanqing and said, "He is my Dikun. We passed by here today, just want to come in and have a look, can't we?"

    Mu Shuangxue's words that he is my Dikun almost made Li Yanqing faint.     Li Yao put down the white gauze on the veiled hat, turned to Mu Shuangxue

    and stretched out her hand, "Vice-owner of Bihu Mountain Villa, it's better to see once than to hear a hundred times. I've admired you for a long time.


With half a palm, he immediately retracted his hand, and secretly glanced at Li Yanqing again, for fear that he would be unhappy. However, he looked as if he didn't care who he shook hands with at this moment.

    Afterwards, he turned his attention to Zhong Yu again, and felt that he and Li Yanqing were 60 to 70 percent similar, but his eyebrows and eyes were more heroic.

    Li Yanqing saw that things were already like this, and he could only resign himself to fate, so he bit the bullet and said to Mu Shuangxue, "He is Zhong Si, my cousin."

    Li Yao chuckled lightly, "Cousin?"

    Zhong Si held Li Yao's hand hand, with a hint of pleading in his tone, "Ah Yao..."

    Li Yao's body trembled when he held his hand.

    His fingertips were slightly cool, and he seemed tense.

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