Chapter 85

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Chapter 85. After being forgotten for several days, there is still no palace...

    Several days later, there was still no news from the palace. During this period, Li Yanqing couldn't help asking Mu Shuangxue several times. She always said to wait for two days and see, and Li Yanqing had no other choice. If he quarrels with her, she will ask him to think about the child more, and being angry is not good for the child, so he just bears it.

    In fact, Mu Shuangxue was also worried. She was also waiting for a letter from the palace. But she knew that if she showed a worried look, Li Yanqing would be even more flustered. She has also been thinking that if there is no more letter, she will go to Yayuan again, but she is really worried that Li Yanqing is alone, so she keeps procrastinating, and there is still a fluke in her heart, maybe the letter will come.

    It rained several times in the past two days, but now it stopped raining and cleared up. The air was particularly fresh after the rain, but Li Yanqing was not in the mood to enjoy the scenery at all.

    He has been unhappy for the past few days, and Mu Shuangxue has noticed everything. He was worried, why not himself.

    "Xiao Yan, the weather is very good today, shall I go out for a walk with you?"

    Li Yanqing looked up at her.

    Although he didn't ask, Mu Shuangxue knew that he wanted to ask if he had received a letter from Feige today.

    He was sitting, and Mu Shuangxue bent down to touch his stomach.

    "Let's go out for a walk. Walking around more will also help the delivery."

    Li Yanqing nodded, and stood up with Mu Shuangxue's support while supporting her waist.

    After the month was old, he actually didn't want to move, but thinking that walking more would be good for the child, every time Mu Shuangxue wanted to take him out for a walk, he didn't refuse.

    Walking outside the house, the flowers and plants have been washed by the rain for the past two days, and the colors look brighter.

    Li Yanqing said, "The weather is so good, it should be very easy for the pigeons to find their position?"

    "Little Yan, don't think about it. The only thing you need to do now is to take good care of the fetus and give birth to the baby safely."

    Li Yanqing said softly "So if something happened, because I haven't had the baby yet, you'd keep it from me, wouldn't you?"

    "Do you think I deliberately didn't tell you the news?"

    "I didn't say that."

    Mu Shuangxue stopped in her tracks and grabbed Li Yanqing's shoulders, looking at him.

    "Xiao Yan, I really haven't, and I don't have any news about them now."

    Li Yanqing just looked at her like this, as if he believed that she was hiding something.

    Said, "There shouldn't be any troublesome things in the palace right now? If you want to talk about the court, to be honest, if there is something really going on, it has nothing to do with the second sister. The only thing I can think of is that the second sister will contact us Is there something wrong with Zhongyu's body that I don't even think about? Is it serious?"

    Mu Shuangxue let out a long breath helplessly, "Xiaoyan, I really don't know. In fact, I am also worried about whether... ..."

    Li Yanqing's eyes turned red, and he grabbed Mu Shuangxue's clothes with both hands, "Can you tell me? Don't hide it from me. If you don't tell me, I will only keep thinking about bad things in my heart."

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