Chapter 13

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Chapter 13. Sleeping together in the same bed "Xiao Yan!"

    "Little Yan!"

    Li Yanqing seemed to have lost all strength and fell from a height. Mu Shuangxue caught Li Yanqing who fell and supported his waist in midair.

    Li Yanqing was a little dizzy, closed his eyes, and could only feel himself being hugged by her and hovering in the air.

    Her smell is obviously cold, but her embrace is very warm and comfortable.

    Mu Shuangxue hugged Li Yanqing and fell to the ground, letting Li Yanqing lie in her arms.

    "Xiao Yan, what's wrong with you?"

    Li Yanqing closed his eyes and calmed down, the dizziness just now almost disappeared.

    He wanted to say it was okay, and then stood up by himself, but he looked at Mu Shuangxue's concerned eyes...

    When the emperor and his ministers feast together in the palace, the courtiers can bring their own courtiers to participate. At that time, it was not uncommon for him to see those dikuns acting like a baby with their own heavenly stems, asking for care from their own heavenly stems.

    At that time, Li Yanqing always sneered at this kind of performance, and he was even a little disgusted to see those dikuns declaring their weakness intentionally or unintentionally, asking for favors as they should.

    He has always felt that most of the di-kuns are self-deprecating and self-deprecating, which makes everyone feel that they are so weak that they have no ability to live independently. It is the inherent impression created by most of the earth kuns that a small number of earth kuns with life ambitions can only be forced to become reproductive tools.

    But now, looking into Mu Shuangxue's eyes, he was thinking that it would be nice to be pampered once in a while.

    Mu Shuangxue saw that Li Yanqing looked at her silently, and asked again, "Xiao Yan, what's wrong with you?"

    "I was a little dizzy just now..."

    Mu Shuangxue touched his forehead and found that there was no fever.

    "What's wrong? Are you sick?"

    Li Yanqing shook his head, and said, "You still hurt me."

    Mu Shuangxue was sure that during the sparring just now, none of them hit him.

    "Where does it hurt you?"

    "Here." Li Yanqing stroked his lower abdomen, "It hurts so much that my legs are weak."

    Mu Shuangxue put her hand on the back of his hand covering his abdomen, "What's going on?"

    "What else can happen?" You did it." Li Yanqing grabbed Mu Shuangxue's hand and pressed it on the painful part of her abdomen, "Here. You did it."

    In fact, Mu Shuangxue kept every move and style just now, just in case she accidentally hurt her He, but he said it with such certainty that he really began to wonder if he hadn't grasped his limits just now.

    But Mu Shuangxue didn't deny it, and gently stroked the place where he said it hurt.

    Seeing that she seemed to be starting to feel guilty, Li Yanqing grabbed her hand, "Okay, I'm better, I'm fine."

    Mu Shuangxue hugged Li Yanqing into her arms, then directly picked him up and walked into the house go.

    Li Yanqing panicked, "What are you doing? I don't want you to hug me."

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