Chapter 89

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Chapter 89. Within half a month after being seen through, almost everyone outside Bihu Villa...

    In less than half a month, almost all the outer disciples of Bihu Villa had gathered near the imperial city.

    They act very low-key, and they don't notice anything unusual in the eyes of ordinary people. At most, they feel a little strange. Why have more people coming from other places to visit recently?

    The only ones who think they are abnormal are the people from Suiyufang.

    Suiyufang has branches in many states of Yu Country, but most of its members are still active in the imperial city area, so they quickly discovered the anomaly.

    As time went by, more and more people came over, but these people did nothing after they came, they just surrounded the imperial city. They are all distributed in small groups, and the small groups do not communicate with each other. The people in Suiyufang are not sure whether they know each other, whether there is some premeditated plan, or it is really just a coincidence.

    During this period, Xiaokui went to the palace to look for Li Yao again, but because she couldn't tell what was so strange about those people, Li Yao just asked them to continue to pay attention, without paying any attention to it.

    In the East Palace, Zhong Yu had been sleeping for half a month.

    Li Yao had already fed him the decoction that would wake him up, and he didn't wake up after waiting for half an hour. Just as he was about to send someone to invite the imperial doctor, he finally woke up slowly.

    Zhong Yu just woke up with a cloudy mind, and even simple thinking was quite strenuous. In Li Yao's eyes, at this moment, he didn't react at all, just staring at the top of the bed.

    She stretched out her hand and waved in front of his eyes, "Zhong Si, you don't lose your memory, do you?"

    Zhong Si slowly turned to look at her, and asked, "How long has it been?"

    "Today is the third day of junior high school, since you woke up last Half a month has passed." Li Yao took the initiative to add, "Everything is fine with Li Yanqing, don't worry, they are worrying about you now."

    "That's good."

    Zhong Yu wanted to sit up, but struggled After a while, he fell back on the bed.

    Seeing him still remembering, Li Yao held him down, "What are you going to do? Do you want me to call someone to serve you?"

    "I want to get up and take a walk."

    Li Yao straightened the broken hair on his forehead, and said gently, "You just woke up, you need to rest more."

    Zhong Yu said helplessly, "After lying down for so long, if you don't move anymore, you should be useless."

    Li Yao "Don't talk nonsense."

    "I'm serious."

    Zhong Yu tried to get up again, and Li Yao helped him this time and helped him sit up. For such a simple action, it is very strenuous for Zhong Shu now.

    He insisted on getting out of bed and walking around, Li Yao could only help him.

    He was supported to stand up, but he trembled almost unsteadily as soon as he took the first step. If he hadn't been supported, he would have fallen directly.

    Li Yao supported his body, feeling that his body had lost weight after lying down for half a month, and even doubted that she could easily hug him by the waist.

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