Chapter 27

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Chapter 27. Yayuan saw two attendants in a dark room in the East Palace...

    In a dark side room in the East Palace, the door was roughly pushed open by two guards, and then a man wearing a black hood was pushed in.

    He was still struggling, but his strength was obviously weaker than the two guards, and the struggle was futile.

    "Who are you? Let me go! What are you going to do?"

    Li Yanqing and Zhong Yu walked in, and Li Yanqing raised his hand to signal the two guards to let him go.

    Seeing that the person who was pressing him let go of his hand, the man took off his hood.

    Although his hair has been disheveled long ago, his appearance is still extraordinary. It seemed that because he had been wearing a black hood all the way just now, his eyes were not used to the sunlight, so he raised his hand to cover his eyes, so he didn't see the person who came in just now.

    Seeing him standing still, one of the guards reminded him, "This is His Royal Highness, so hurry up and salute."

    He put down his hand that was in front of him, glanced at Li Yanqing, leaned over and bowed politely, "See His Royal Highness. "

    Li Yanqing ordered the two guards to step back and close the door, and then went straight to the point and said, "I asked someone to check, and the person who moved those account books and land deeds is you."

    He lowered his head and remained silent, as if not Accident.

    Li Yanqing smiled softly, "Why don't you just quibble?"

    "Since His Royal Highness has already found me, it's useless for me to quibble."

    Li Yanqing saw that he was neither humble nor overbearing in front of him, and he showed no fear after pointing him out. Some conjectures were confirmed.

    He asked directly, "What's the relationship between Li Yao and Yayuan?"

    Hearing this sentence, his eyes flickered, and his expression became obviously tense, but he pursed his lips and did not say a word.

    Li Yanqing continued to speak unhurriedly, "Yayuan looks like a red building, but its purpose is not to make money, but to successfully marry you into various mansions in the capital, and then use this to secretly manipulate the court, am I right? "

    "I don't understand what you're saying."

    A faint smile appeared on Li Yanqing's lips, "Let's not talk about Yayuan, let's talk about you and Guo Ren. I heard that he loved you very much after you passed the door. Did you give birth to him a child last year? Why did you betray him?" Him? You don't love him?"

    There was no emotion in his eyes, but a hint of disgust.

    "Love? Your Royal Highness, you can ask such a question, which makes me have a different view of you."

    Li Yanqing didn't care about his sarcasm, and asked again, "So why did you give those things to Li Yao?

    He looked at the ground and said firmly, "For the sake of justice." " It

    's good for justice. Killing relatives for justice?" Li Yanqing pinched his cheeks and forced him to raise his head, "Then why did you choose Li Yao? The people's pleadings were handed over to Feng Shen, why didn't you go to him? Why Li Yao? Besides, she lives in a deep palace, how did you give her the things?"

    "You want to harm the princess?"

    He smiled, this is a look of death.

    As soon as Li Yanqing had an ominous premonition in his heart, he pushed away Li Yanqing's hand, then rushed over and pulled out the short blade at his waist, ready to kill himself.

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