Chapter 100

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Chapter 100. Upright and aboveboard Mu Shuangxue has been anxiously in the East Palace...

    Mu Shuangxue had been waiting anxiously for Li Yanqing in the East Palace. She saw him coming back from a distance, and hurried forward to meet him, but saw him with a straight face.

    "Is the court not going well today?"

    Li Yanqing replied softly, "We'll talk after we go in."

    Mu Shuangxue guessed that it must be that the court was not going well, and wanted to hug him to comfort him, but there were still palace people watching, so they just held his hand hand, walked into the palace with him.

    Before entering the room, Mu Shuangxue couldn't help asking, "Xiao Yan, what's the matter?"

    Li Yanqing slowly turned her head, looked at Mu Shuangxue, and then smiled.

    Mu Shuangxue was confused by him, "What are you laughing at?"

    Li Yanqing put his hands on her shoulders and hooked her neck, "Shuangxue, do you know what it feels like to be relaxed?"

    "Why do you ask?"

    "Because , I realize that I didn’t really understand what this word really means until today.” Li Yanqing grinned comfortably and happily while speaking.

    Infected by his smile, Mu Shuangxue laughed together with him, "You really confessed in public? So the result is not bad? Can they accept that you are Dikun?"

    "I don't care if they can accept it or not. All I know is, I am really relaxed now, and I have never been so relaxed when I grow up."

    Li Yanqing's smiling eyes slowly turned to Mu Shuangxue's face, and his hands moved down to Mu Shuangxue's waist. Suddenly, his body exudes a floral and fruity fragrance.


    Mu Shuangxue grabbed his hand, panted twice and said, "Xiaoyan, let's go in first."

    Li Yanqing took the initiative to stick to her, wrapping his hands around her waist, and moved close to hers. He bit his ear and said, "Shuangxue, is your concentration so strong? It's not like you."

    "Xiaoyan, don't make trouble."

    Li Yanqing's face leaned closer, and his warm breath sprayed on Mu Shuangxue's earlobes. He slowly pressed his lips together, then walked downstream, kissed her neck, and sucked gently.

    The blood vessels in Mu Shuangxue's body swelled, and Xun Su also poured out, and a wave of heat swam through his body, itching very uncomfortable. When he saw a stone table behind Li Yanqing, he directly pushed him down on it.     Sudden pain hit his back against the stone table, Li Yanqing smiled helplessly, "You really are still the same, you can't help being funny at all. Shuangxue, you don't plan to go outside, do you? This is over."     Mu Shuangxue said The hand that had started to untie his clothes stopped, turned around to look, and there were a few palace people staring at them dumbfounded, so they picked up Li Yanqing, and carried him back to the bedroom in front of several palace people.     After being lingering for a while, the hot feeling in Mu Shuangxue's body subsided, and she put her arms around Li Yanqing and asked, "Xiao Yan, so after confessing to you this morning, no one really made things difficult for you?"     "Not really." Li Yanqing smirked. After a while, "Shuangxue, look, since your brother is ready to be unkind, it wouldn't be unjust for me to use him a little bit?"     Mu Shuangxue looked at him with her arms on her pillow and asked, "How do you want to use him ?" Li     Yanqing thought and said, "He made such a fuss, if I can solve it smoothly, wouldn't that be an opportunity for the Manchu civil and military to really recognize me? Now I hope he will take action quickly. So, I I want to release some news to make him think that if he doesn't act as soon as possible, he will miss the opportunity."     "Then you will adopt the best strategy Zhong Yu gave you, right?"     Li Yanqing turned her head to look at her, because she was in a good mood, she thought just kidding.     Said, "The middle strategy is not impossible. If I lead the troops to wipe them out, it will be the fastest way to gain power. After that, I don't think any civil and military officials will say anything.     " Staring at him with expression.     Li Yanqing confessed, "I'm just kidding, of course I wouldn't do that."

    Mu Shuangxue still didn't answer, slowly lowered her eyes, and quietly lay on her side beside him.

    Li Yanqing shook her, "Are you angry? Don't, I was just joking."

    Mu Shuangxue still looked at him expressionlessly, and said, "They are my relatives to me, and I have never taken Your relatives made this kind of joke, even though I really wanted to kill your father."

    Li Yanqing was making fun of himself, and regretted his indiscriminate words just now.

    There was still a little bit of grievance and said, "I didn't come up with this trick. Zhong Yu has already deployed soldiers to surround and suppress them at any time, and even wrote these black and white words on paper and told me. Why don't you go find him?" Urgent?"

    Mu Shuangxue thought for a while, and felt that she was too serious just now, she got up and put her arms around Li Yanqing, "Okay, okay, let's forget about it."

    Li Yanqing became more energetic this time, and hit her lightly, "You If you don’t want to mention it, don’t mention it? You know how to bully me.”

    Mu Shuangxue leaned over his body, kissed his lips, and put her hand into his clothes dishonestly.

    "It's just over, you don't want to come again, do you?"

    "One more time."

    Mu Shuangxue closed his mouth with a kiss, only let out a soft moan, and ate him again.

    After it was over, Li Yanqing sat on the bed and looked down at her clothes in disgust.

    "Look, this clothes is full of stains, you can just throw it away."

    Mu Shuangxue looked at him innocently, and said, "It's all about you today, it seems extraordinarily delicious and juicy."

    Hearing the last two words, Li Yanqing blushed and raised her hand to cover her eyes.

    "Don't look at me so lewdly, don't look at me. Also, there is something that needs you to run some errands."

    Mu Shuangxue took his hand off and returned to a serious expression, "What do you want me to do?

    Li Yanqing wrapped the clothes around her body, "Let's talk about it in another place. "

    "Where are you going?" Mu Shuangxue was puzzled.

    "Go to the soup pool and take a bath." He whispered, "Aren't you coming together? If you don't clean up, you are not allowed to sleep in my bed tonight."

    Mu Shuangxue hugged him behind his back, "Okay, together."

    Li Yanqing smiled Laughing, he shouted to the outside, "Come here." The

    palace man walked in, saw Li Yanqing and Mu Shuangxue who had just finished their intercourse, lowered their heads and asked, "What orders does His Royal Highness have?"

    Li Yan Qing Dao said, "Change the bed sheets, and then bring a pair of underwear for me and the princess to Tangchi. Oh yes, go to the Royal Hospital and ask them to prepare a bowl of Bizitang."

    Hearing Bizitang, The palace man subconsciously glanced at Li Yanqing's abdomen, obviously he had also heard the rumor that the person who was pregnant not long ago was actually the prince.

    "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and go."


    Li Yanqing smiled lightly. It feels really good to not have to hide anymore.

    Looking back at Mu Shuangxue, who was still hugging him behind his back, she asked, "Shuangxue, do you think you've lost face like this?"

    "Why do I think so?"

    "Because you're a god. Generally speaking, Tiangan is the head of the family, but you have to be behind me, will you feel that you are at a disadvantage?"

    Mu Shuangxue turned him over, faced him, and squeezed his face with a smile, "You are so good , I really can't figure out where the loss is."

    "I hate it~" Li Yanqing hooked her little finger with her little finger, and pulled her out, "Let's go take a bath together."

The prince turned out to be Dikun (female A male O) Where stories live. Discover now