Chapter 54

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Chapter 54. It's all victims who have to act enough, Mu Shuangxue still helps...

    Mu Shuangxue had to do a lot of acting, so Mu Shuangxue helped Zhongyu change into a clean shirt, wiped off the blood on his body, and then opened the door to let Li Yanqing and Li Yao who had been waiting outside. Come in.

    Li Yanqing asked in a low voice, "Why did you use it for so long?"


    Li Yao walked into the room, and saw the cup of water that Zhong Yu had rinsed her mouth on the table, the water in it was blood-colored, and she felt a twinge in her heart.

    Going to the edge of the bed and sitting down, he saw Zhong Shu on the bed leaning on the bed with his eyes closed, as if he was extremely tired and had fallen into a light sleep. lay down.

    He asked Yang Fengyi in a low voice, "What's the matter with him? Why is he vomiting blood?"

    Li Yanqing also hurried over, staring at Yang Fengyi and waiting for his answer.

    Yang Fengyi glanced at Mu Shuangxue, was silent for a while, and then replied, "He has an old injury, and the injury is in the lungs, which is quite serious. He vomited blood because the root cause of the old injury has reappeared. Today's cup of tea, if you are in good health It is no problem for people drinking it, but the tea is too cold, and his old injury can't stand it."

    Li Yanqing and Li Yao asked in unison, "What old injury?"

    "Listen to him, it was him more than ten years ago. I was hit by an arrow, and that arrow pierced the lungs, leaving the root of the disease."

    Li Yao looked at Li Yanqing, "Why didn't you tell me? You know I like him, how can you not tell me about this kind of thing?"

    "I... I don't know, I never knew..." Li Yanqing couldn't believe it now, he couldn't believe that he didn't know.

    "You!" Li Yao pointed to Li Yanqing and asked, "You have lived with him for more than ten years, and you don't know that he has old injuries? Tell me you don't know?"

    "I'm sorry, I..."

    Mu Shuangxue hugged Li Yanqing , and said to Li Yao, "Princess, don't blame him, it was Zhong Yu who concealed it on purpose. He is so smart and knows medical skills. He wants to hide it, how can Xiao Yan see it?"

    Li Yao adjusted his emotions, and then asked Yang Fengyi, "Is his injury serious? Can it be cured?"

    Yang Fengyi didn't want to continue talking, and said, "Anyway, he knows medicine, doesn't he? His own physical condition , He should be quite clear about it. When he wakes up, you can just ask him directly, I should help him decoct the medicine." After finishing

    speaking, he left the room.

    Seeing that Li Yanqing was in a bad mood, Mu Shuangxue asked, "Xiao Yan, shall we go out for a while too?"

    Li Yanqing shook his head.

    "Xiao Yan, he is resting now. It is enough to be accompanied by the princess. You can't do anything if you stay here."

    Li Yanqing said with a trembling voice, "But... I feel bad..."

    "I know. Don't worry, He'll be fine."

    Mu Shuangxue put her arms around him and forced him to walk out.

    After Mu Shuangxue went out, she turned around and closed the door. When she turned around, she saw Li Yanqing holding the small knife used for peeling fruit on the table in a daze, slowly bringing the knife closer to her.

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