Chapter Three.

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With burning legs and aching lungs, branches and twigs cutting my skin, I rushed through the forest. My backside screamed at me in agony.

I had not noticed it that much before, but my fall against the rock when Caaln had pushed me out of the wolf's reach must have been harder that I must have realized. It hurt.

But I had no other choice than to run, to run as far as I could, straight through the forest, not daring to look over my shoulder when I heard noises behind me, afraid to trip, to fall and to get caught.


The little hairs in my neck standing upright, cold sweat – from the exhaustion or the fear – ran down my back. I wasn't that untrained. But I also wasn't that much of a fast runner.

My advantage was small, my sudden flight had probably surprised him and I actually knew in which direction I was running. I knew the area, I knew... - something hard, solid, hit me, I stumbled, tried to stay on my feet, but failed miserably. Barely able to curl into a ball to brace myself from the impact, I fell.

And hit the bottom.


My gritted teeth escaped a small cry of pain as my side hit a tree. I slid down and lay in the wet moss, panting heavily.
By the almighty...

My vision blurred, and I almost thought I must have also hit my head, but I fought to stay conscious.

Caaln had simply appeared out of nowhere. Suddenly, he had been by my side, and it must have been his foot who had hit me, caught me by surprise and sent me flying. Blinking, I watched through clouded eyes how he dismounted his horse, slowly stepping nearer.

I tried to get on my elbows, to at least try to crawl away, but I couldn't. My body didn't obey me anymore.

He kneeled down in front of me, his face almost seemed... worried. His jaw was clenched, his eyes warm, the black orbs not cold, but almost...
"I, Caaln Lynrha, have saved your life today. By Sladowran's ancient law, I now claim your life in exchange. It belongs to me.", and with that, he touched my wrist, his thumb rubbing over my artery.

I wasn't even strong enough to stop the tear running down my cheek upon his words, as I felt the old ancient magic burn in my veins, as a small, blueish symbol with a black little wing appeared on my skin, on the inside of my wrist. The symbol was so tiny, I wasn't able to really identify what it was – or maybe, I was just too dizzy.

But it was there.

He had bound me, my life, to himself.

There was no way of escaping it, of escaping him. If legends were true, and with my bad luck I highly doubted they weren't, then he would be always able to find me.

My freedom was gone.

And just as I drifted into the darkness, I heard his voice, murmuring "I'm so sorry, Adriyele."

But maybe, that was just wishful thinking.

Darkness surrounded me.

Was I asleep?

Or was I awake, but blind?

My body was heavy, felt heavy. I wasn't able to move my limbs, nor was I able to open my eyes.

Pitch black.

Darkness, everywhere.

I was being moved, carried, placed somewhere, lain onto my stomach. Careful fingers brushed my hair out of my face, then, those hands lifted the seam of my top.

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