Chapter Thirty-Eight.

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Chapter Thirty-Eight.

And again, I found myself in front of the mirror, eyeing my outfit for the day. As Caaln had predicted, I had slept quite long. I had no clue when we had gotten back and by what time I had fallen asleep but I had been exhausted – or drunk – enough to have slept until the late afternoon the next day.

The dress Dylana had brought me for today was brighter than the one for the day before, it was a light orange with white ornaments and a bright coat due to the upcoming evening chills. My clothing was too bright for my taste, but I had decided to just get along with it. Fighting Dylana wouldn't do me any good, not when she was already that stressed because of the festivities and if everything would go well. I didn't want to add to that.

Before he had left the night before, Caaln had told me that he would pick me up and reminded me again, that I shouldn't walk around alone.

He picked me up, wearing a rather similar outfit than the evening before, and together, we left the castle and walked downwards to one of the bigger parks, where the main festivities were held. As Caaln told me, Dylana and Brayhd would go there straight from their house, and Rhydomir, Mysla and Nyshard were already there. I hadn't dared to ask if Nista was with them, too, not wanting to poke around when I wasn't supposed to. It simply wasn't my business.

As we walked towards the park, I noticed the wonderfully decorated houses along the way, and just like the evening before, everything was lit with lanterns and fire bowls, drenching everything in orange once again. When we reached the park, I took a look up at the orange and red leaves at the branches that looked like they were ready to fall down. It truly was the peak of autumn.

Under a big oak tree, glasses in their hands, were the others. We walked towards them, and greeted them, with Dylana and Mysala complimenting me on how I looked, now with my hair all down again but loosely braided for the occasion. Or at least, that's what the maid had been telling me as she did my hair.

"You're only saying that because you chose it for me", I said to Dylana, but smiled, because she simply seemed happy about it. "She says it, because she's right with it", Caaln murmured, leaning down a bit. I snorted and shook my head, making him chuckle. "So, what's this evening about?", I asked, but Dylana just nodded towards the sky.

Someone just announced something in a loud voice, and I looked up. There were Fleyr flying around, just like the patrols that flew above the city regularly. But those up there, they were wearing fitting costumes, orange, red, some even yellow.

And just as the speaker said something that sounded like "And now, let the spectacle begin", music started and the flying Fleyr dove towards the ground, grabbed flaming torches and flew back up again. For the short seconds that I had seen them closer, I had gasped at their wings. Every one of them was unique. Some with light patterns, some with markings, some light, some dark, some feathery, some without feathers at all. But each one of them was different, each one unique.
"Stunned?.", Caaln grinned, and I just nodded "I've never seen them up close. They are beautiful."

"Why does every woman just love wings?", he laughed, and I nudged him in the side, knowing, that as a Lyrarn, he had none. "You don't need those, you're amazing enough" Dylana, who was standing next to me, laughed full-heartedly and Caaln put his arm around my waist, drawing me closer, put a kiss on my hair and chuckled "I'll keep that in mind"

Smiling, I looked up at the sky again and watched the Fleyr performing their Dance of the Flames, which actually... when I looked closer at it, they told a story. The story of how Sladowran created Mriatna, our world.

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