Chapter Twenty-Four.

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Chapter Twenty-Four.

The next morning during breakfast, I told Dylana about Nyshard's offer to try and provoke my healing powers, so that I knew that they are still there.
With a deep frown she looked at me.
"What is it?", I asked and took a sip of water.
"Why didn't you take his offer? If you really so much fear that your power is gone, why didn't you just take it?"

I glanced at her and nibbled at my lower lip, deep in thought. "I... don't really know. I guess."

"Is it because he needed to touch your hand or because it was him who offered it?", she asked, smirking, while leaning back in her chair.

"Maybe both", I mumbled, almost inaudibly.

"Yeah, I guess so, too.", Dylana remarked and added "I could do it, too. If you feel better with me doing it, instead of him. But I'm afraid Nyshard will insist to be present."


"Believe me or not, my brother is worried about you. I think I've never seen him fly as fast as when he brought you to the castle after you collapsed."

"He did what?", I gasped, loudly.

Dylana rolled her eyes at me and laughed. "Who do you think brought you there?"

I shrugged my shoulders "You, maybe?"

"No.", she shook her head. "I took Srandi, while some patrols took Caaln. He's quite heavy when he has no body voltage. Like a big sack of..."

"Dyl.", Brayhd, who just appeared in the doorway that moment, interrupted her with a laugh. He strode over, pressed a kiss to her temple and I turned away, giving them a moment. I gulped down another bite of me bread, when Dylana's voice was heard "You being here that early, does that mean good or bad news?"

Brayhd chuffed and sat himself next to Dylana, opposite me, and served himself. I had wanted to go to the castle to help Srandi, but I decided to linger a bit longer, curious about what he would say.

His eyes met mine, and he tilted his head, as if he had an idea what I was intending. Sometimes, I really thought he could read my mind.

"Caaln is indeed quite heavy.", he then grinned "Once, he got two arrows into his leg and limped, I only put his arm over my shoulder to support his weight, but hell, those muscles weight a ton."

"Oh, I remember that, you complained about it for weeks", Dylana grinned and I joined.

"Well.", Brayhd sighed heavily "The Council refused a meeting."

"Did they?"

"Mhm", he took a bite of his vegetables and said "Not even Aaran, that damn bastard, didn't see the relevance. Alone the fact that they have been able to take down Caaln..."

"I don't understand it, why don't they react to this threat? The Circle will soon spread there, too. I highly doubt they will ever stop, especially not in Hym Laarn."

"I don't understand it, either. The worst thing about it is, that I think it did anger that bastard, but..."

"Wait a moment.", I cut in. "This Aaran... he's the lord of Hym Laarn, right?", I glanced at Dylana, who nodded. "Why do you call him bastard? You also talked about him like that when we were dining at the castle, and..."

"Because of Caaln. He... he's just that. A bastard. But ask him, it's not our story to tell.", Dylana said softly, and added "Just know, that Aaran is no person you ever want to face."

Both waited for my nod, then Brayhd continued "Anyways. Your brother is... not amused."

"That bad?", Dylana asked, and from the look Brayhd threw her, she grimaced.

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