Chapter Six.

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Chapter Six.

"What is that?", I asked, looking up once more. Caaln put his hand on my back and tried to urge me to step away from the monolith, but I shook my head.

"Those are patrols.", he then answered my question.

"Patrols?", I repeated his words. They did not make any sense.
"Come", he murmured and I took a few steps, still looking up. When we reached some stairs, I had to take care of where I walked and my eyes fell on the soldiers, who were... by the almighty Sladowran, they were staring. At me.

One of them, nodded to me.

I stopped in my tracks, heard a small sound of disapproval from Caaln and stared at the man. The soldier. Srin Maur, soldier in the service of the Lord of the High Ilryn. His words still rang in my head, and for a moment, I simply stared at him.

'Get a watchdog, anything, that will warn you upon the arrival of strangers.'

I took a deep, shaky breath.

I had been right. Caaln and Srin knew each other. And his words... Had he been trying to warn me?

"I didn't get a watchdog.", I said to him, and he gave me a lopsided smile. "You don't need one, anymore. You're safe now, Milady."

His words only confused me more. But before I was able to say something, to demand answers from him, Caaln dragged me with him, his hand around my arm now again, not forcefully, but decisive.
"Let go of me, you brute", I pulled, but his grip got only tighter.

"Stop this shit, instantly.", Caaln growled and I stared up at him, furiously.

He'd ripped me out of my life.

He'd bound me.

He dragged me through half of Assdirn Flen and Myrna Bays in... I didn't really know for how long we have been travelling.
All I knew, was that I was tired. And dirty.

The bruises on my ribs still had not healed properly, and all the riding and sleeping on the ground had not helped with that, either.

My elbow hurt from hitting him. Well, that one was on me.

But now was enough.

He tricked me.

Srin... it seemed as if he had searched for me. For someone with my name? Or just for a healer? Either way, they had the wrong person.

But Caaln... our meeting had not been a coincidence.

He had tricked me. And was not giving me any answers.

But this was my life.

I had no good life. I knew, some people would call a life in the loneliness, the life that I had lead until all those coincidences happened, unnecessary.

And sometimes, I had thought so, too.

But nevertheless: It was my life.

I had done nothing to call what was happening right now upon me.


I knew life wasn't fair.

It never was.

But he had no right to do that to me.

And before I could form a second thought, I slapped him.

Of course, he was so tall, that I was barely able to reach him.

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