Chapter Forty-One.

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Chapter Forty-One.

'Myn pyk adrina yele, dyn jas ti srala nik Ilyria. Myn jas rusna taki li ai jas ti srala. Myn praao te.'

'My little... light, you are safe ... Ilyria. I am... ... are safe. I promise you.'

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I wrote everything down in my little note book, made lines underneath the words I didn't know yet and made a mental note to search for a book to translate them. Nyshard had been right – I really should learn the ancient tongue. Writing down what I already knew wasn't enough. If he and also Caaln continued to tell me things in the ancient tongue I didn't understand, I'd go insane. No secrets anymore.


I've had enough of it. It was already difficult enough with everything that had changed lately.

A half-breed.

An orphan.

A bastard.

A figure on a battlefield.

I was all of that.

And I've never felt so alone in my life.

When I had woken up earlier, I was lying in my bed, still fully dressed, but safely tucked in my blanket. My blanket, and the one Nyshard had draped over me the night before.

I vaguely remembered falling asleep in his arms and waking up as soon as he carried me downstairs. I've told him that I could walk on my own, but he had just shaken his head at me, his expression – once again – a forced mask. He had held me in his arms, had soothed me, had tried to ease my inner pain, but that was it.

I was the bastard daughter of a Lord. The last descendant of that line of Lords and the literal key to the wealth of the Isle of Gnys. By the almighty Sladowran. If that was true... and I somehow didn't even doubt Nyshard's words.... I didn't doubt them, somehow, I believed him everything he had said. Why should he lie to me? He had not lied to me so far, and...

Nyshard had protected me my whole life.

Sirpal nos demra praao dros an risnja

Dyn jas ti srala myn pyk sa frija

The dark shard promised to your father

You are safe with him my love

Jas dros nos demra sirpal, frija

Stay with the dark shard, love

My mother had told me it all along.

All along.

And even after I found out what she had told me all along, I wouldn't have ever guessed what had been finally revealed to me.

If Nyshard wouldn't have told me that he had kept me safe right from the beginning, I wouldn't have believed it. None of it.

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