Chapter Forty-Seven.

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Chapter Forty-Seven.

Most of the guards that were normally in the castle, were now stationed outside of it. Almost all servants were gone too and it was incredibly quiet. It gave me an eerie feeling.

Dylana had asked me to try and keep myself busy with whatever I wanted to do, but had explicitly told me to grab the knives Nyshard had given me and to carry them with me at all times. As if she expected an attack.

That worried me.

And it didn't help my already irritated mind, my thoughts still spiralling about Brayhd and the possibility of him being a shape shifter.

But it fitted, didn't it? And was that... could that be the thing Nyshard had done that I would hate him for? Had he bound my life to Caaln on purpose? Had he... stolen my freedom from me? The one and only thing my mother had always told me to keep. My freedom.

Every time when that thought crossed my mind as I rushed towards my room to get my knives, I had to bit back my tears.

No. It couldn't be the truth.

I couldn't... because if... then it meant, that...

He had me in his hands. Completely and on purpose.

Caaln had never saved my life. My life had never been in danger, at least not because of the wolf.

And that would make it so much worse... I had already taken a lot of time to come to terms with Caaln using the ancient law of Sladowran to bind my life to him just because I had wanted to flee and he had saved my life and therefore had the right in what he had been doing...

But if...

When I reached my door, I quickly entered my room, changed into my normal training gear, a light leather pants and a dark cotton shirt with a vest over it, put my long hair in an untidy braid, donned my knives on and looked around the room once more.

Why, I didn't know.

Why did it feel like... fleeing?


No, I shook my head, glanced around the room once more and got on my way again.

I knew Dylana had wanted to go to the guards for a moment, and just when I reached the courtyard, she walked towards me. "I have to go into the City for a moment. But I'll be right back, just give me an hour or...", just in that moment, one of the guards called her, and she rolled her eyes, giving me a lopsided smile. "Men", she grumbled and said to me "Just stay inside, okay. Nysh would have my head if...", she stopped herself and brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face.

"If what?", I asked. "Dyl, what is going on? Is it really just the Circle?"

She grimaced and looked towards the guards once more. "Nysh is worried because they attack more frequently during the last weeks."

And I knew what she wanted to say.

They attacked more, since I was here "Do they know...?", I didn't end my question, and Dylana shrugged her shoulders and murmured "Only if they have spies. And Brayhd is checking on everyone. But that needs time."

So, he was reading their minds.

And once again I was incredibly thankful, that he wasn't able to read mine because of the seal. If that was the truth.


Dylana saw my expression, guessed it was worry and pulled me into a quick hug "Nysh will protect you. All of us will. That's why you must stay here in the castle, okay? You are safe here; you are always safe with us."

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