Chapter Eighteen.

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Chapter Eighteen.

I caught Dylana and Brayhd looking at us, when Nyshard laughed.

Quickly, I looked back at the man in front of me, who now eyed me, amusement sparkling in his eyes. "You don't have to call me that."

I quirked my eyebrow, but stayed silent.

"My lord. There's no need to call me that, unless it's a formal meeting."

Still comfortable with my silence, I tilted my head. His eyes narrowed slightly, then he said, loudly. "Now that everyone's here, what about dinner?"

As if on command, everyone moved to the table, and I sat myself on the only empty chair in between Caaln and Dylana.

Before I had any chance to object, Dylana put food on my dish, more, than I would have served myself. I rolled my eyes at her, and she shrugged her shoulders. "You need to get some food into your stomach before you drink some of that.", she nodded to the wine glass in front of me, filled to the brim with a dark red liquid.

"Talking about that.", Nyshard said from opposite the table, and raised his glass.

The others mirrored his movement, and so did I, after a moment of hesitation.

Slowly Nyshard looked around the table, locked eyes with everyone for a short moment, before he glanced at me. The hint of a smile played around his lips.
"To family and friends, to fate and destiny. To those who seemed forgotten but were found, to those who want to vanish but were kept. And to love. To everything that's worth to protect, to everything that's worth fighting for. To you. To those who keep me sane, and to those who defy me. To those, who know a life's worth, and to those who actually listen."

They toasted, and I halted for a moment, before I sipped at my wine.

During the whole time, Nyshard had held eye contact, and I began to wonder if anything about his toast was a message. Or maybe, everything was. Or... maybe, it wasn't. But nonetheless, I didn't start eating right away, trying to remember what he'd said to analyse it later on. I had the strange feeling, that sometimes, Nyshard had a way with words.

"Come on, eat. It's delicious", Caaln nudged me in the side I gazed at the filled dish in front of me. Slowly, I began to eat.

At first, I was too occupied, still pondering about Nyshard's toast, then to actually listen to the others, but when the word 'council' was muttered, I looked up.

Dylana had asked something and Nyshard answered "Phynah wasn't surprised, but he also insists on sitting it out. It's no surprise, considering that he hasn't that many problems with them as we do."

"He almost has none.", Brayhd added "It's more like he encourages them. He's still got no interest in any change. Sometimes, it's a real shame that things like that still happen. As if we haven't learned from our past at all."

"Well, that was to be expected, right? Phynah was always like that, he hasn't got a reason to change anything right now, no matter how many times Nysh warns them.", Dylana said and took a sip of her wine.

Curiously, I tilted my head. They were discussing politics?

"Yes. Indeed. But Rhydomir says, that it's only a matter of time, which I doubt. He still hopes that the others will change course, but I don't see it. Still, we have to try, there's just too much at risk.", Nyshard remarked and glanced at me for a moment, then he said to Caaln, his smile suddenly gone. "Greetings from Aaran."

Next to me, Caaln balled his hand to a fist and I noticed him tensing a bit. "That bastard still hasn't forgotten, hm?"

"Why would he? I remember him every time I see him. He's made a wrong choice all those years ago, and I thank him every time I see him.", Nyshard smirked nastily.

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