Chapter Sixteen.

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Chapter Sixteen.

"Kisandi called you that?", Brayhd repeated my words.

I gulped "You knew her, too, didn't you?"

Silently, Brayhd nodded.

Dylana locked eyes with him "It makes sense, doesn't it?"

"What makes sense?"

"Adriyele...", the dark-haired woman turned back at me "Why don't you get dressed and we wait for you downstairs?"

They left, and I quickly washed my face and my hands with cold water, avoiding any look into the mirror. After grabbing simple black pants, black boots and a dark grey cotton shirt, I quickly braided my – once again - hip long, bright hair and left my room.

Nissy awaited me outside and looked at me discretely, before accompanying me downstairs.

It was like a trance.

Had I almost experienced a heavy panic attack earlier, I now was suddenly extremely calm. Without even looking where we were going, I followed Nissy, my thoughts circling around the same things over and over again.

The dream.

Those powers.

And the nickname. Frija.

I wasn't able to tell what bothered me the most.

Nissy led me to the dining room, where the others stood at one of the windows, talking.
They fell into silence, when we entered, and stared at us.

Or at me.

Nissy bowed to Nyshard and left the room, closing the door behind her.

We looked at each other for a few seconds, then I finally found my courage to ask "What is happening to me?". I wasn't really able to keep my voice from shaking and my tears to myself.

I was still very much shocked.
Things like that didn't just happen.

All of them glanced at Nyshard, who had been leaning against the windowsill, arms crossed in front of his chest, clad in his usual dark attire.

He seemed to study me from across the room, then, his eyes travelled over my body once, then settled back at my face.

"Brayhd and I have to leave Ilyria for a council meeting today. We're already late. This can wait until tomorrow evening."

Stunned, I parted my lips. There was no way he was serious about that.

They couldn't... but then, he pushed himself off the windowsill, stood up tall and nodded to Dylana, who watched him, seemingly angry.

Then, he glanced at Caaln, who simply nodded, lips set tight.

I had to avert my eyes for a short moment, pushing my tears away.

Then, I heard steps, as Nyshard and Brayhd walked in my direction, the direction of the door.

I balled by fists.

"You can't be serious. Did you just forbid them to tell me anything about it, and now you leave without telling me what's going on?"

Taking a step, I stood right in his path, glaring at him. My confusion had turned into anger.

And Nyshard... he didn't even look surprised, instead, the corner of his mouth twitched lightly, before he gave me a lopsided grin.
"I have more important tasks for today, girl."

I completely snapped.

I don't remember how, but a moment later, I found myself in front of Nyshard, hitting him with my bare hands against his relentless chest.

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