Chapter Thirty-Five.

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Chapter Thirty-Five.

Four more days had passed, and this morning after training, Caaln had told me, that I was allowed to leave the family wing of the castle again So I tried, and indeed, the guards let me pass.

I walked straight to Nyshard's study, but now, that I was standing there, I suddenly felt unsure if I really should do it. I had thought about it for days and there were two things I wanted to ask him.

The first thing was easy... the second one... not that much.

I wanted to ask him if there was another way to break the seal sooner. I wanted answers, but Nyshard had once told me, I would get them as soon as my powers were stable and I was permitted to see the truth. And now, I knew, what he had meant by that...

The Whisperers.

But at first, I needed to have permanent access to my powers, and I was even willing to let him provoke my them far more than he'd already done.

And the second thing... I needed to know if he wanted to somehow arrange a marriage for me. I knew, it was maybe an absurd thought... but ever since that topic came up and I had thought about what Dylana had said... I couldn't let it go completely. I needed to ask him and hoped for a clear 'No'.

I really needed him to say 'No.'

He'd once said, that he believed in choices. I wanted to believe, that I had one, that I not just should have one, no, that I actually had one. That I had a say in it, that it was my decision. But I needed to hear it from him.

Because he said the truth.

Just when I was about to knock at the door, it was being pushed open, and someone stormed out of the study, I was barely able to make a step to the side, but the man – a soldier or maybe even a general – didn't even pay attention on me.

But he'd left the door open, and I took my chance.

Quickly, I stepped inside, closed the door behind me and met darkness.

He was fuming.

I felt it in his aura, I felt it in every fibre of my being.

"Haven't I made myself clear, Dahas?", he hissed and turned around, directing something of his flaring aura directly at me. For a quick moment, I saw his eyes widen, then he moved, faster, than even his aura, or the extension of his power was, and stood in front of me the next moment, not even flinching when his own surge of power collided with him.
I had practised some of that with Caaln during my latest training sessions, too, but mine were... whatever power I willed to the surface, had never been even a tiny bit like that. I'd made some progress, but simply not enough.

"What are you doing here?", Nyshard asked and took a step back, scowling at me, angrily.

"Caaln said I am allowed to leave the family wing of the castle again?"

"Why are you here?", he walked to his round table again, and I waited a moment, but then I followed him.

Nyshard leaned back onto the table again, and it seemed as if he just wanted to ignore me.

"Is everything alright?", I asked silently and slowly stepped closer.

His jaw clenched, as he studied the map, and when I was almost standing next to the table, he glanced at me, his eyes cold. "What do you want, Adriyele?"

I fought the urge to take a step back and forced myself to stay calm. "I haven't seen you in the last two weeks or so. I just... I needed to ask something."

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